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Re: [oniro-wg] toscalix - FOSDEM 2022 report


My experience, as a speaker, was fairly positive as well. The infrastructure needs to be polished a bit (jitsi + element/synapse) as we did face some issues here and there. Once we managed to find a way forward, everything went pretty smoothly.

On the project's side, the feedback was very positive. We caught a fair bit of attention that spilt into 1-2-1 technical discussions - especially around OTA, Yocto build system and toolchain.

Thanks Phil and Agustin for the constant support and work invested into preparing this event for the Oniro project.

PS: I'll revive my Mastodon account soon.


Andrei Gherzan
Email: andrei.gherzan@xxxxxxxxxx

From:Agustín Benito Bethencourt <agustin.benito@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:Oniro Working Group <oniro-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:2022-02-07 11:32:40
Subject:[oniro-wg] toscalix - FOSDEM 2022 report


## FOSDEM report from toscalix

I attended to FOSDEM 2022 which was online this year, for the second time in a
row. As you probably know by now Oniro delivered quiet a few talks at FOSDEM

In relation with the content, Oniro was well managed by Philippe Coval. We
used the marketing gitlab repo[1], tickets and the FOSDEM wiki page[2] as
coordination tools. From my point of view, things went well there. His
experience on this event and the fact that many of the people involved did
something similar last year, helped.

In addition to the large amount of talks, we managed to have the stand ready
ahead of time which took away some last minute drama that is so popular when
preparing these events. 

Thank you Philippe for your effort and passion.

I spent most of the Saturday morning at the Eclipse stand and lurking around
stands, including Oniro. The most crowded ones that I saw were Debian and KDE
with between 150 and 200 people during the morning. KDE had demo sessions
scheduled during the weekend which was very successful. A good idea we can
copy in the future.

I counted a couple of times at Oniro stand during the Saturday morning between
50 and 60 people, which is a good number for being a new project. FOSDEM space
at matrix had a little over 2k accounts on Saturday morning. Can somebody

I joined FOSDEM again on Sunday at lunch until the end. I shared some time
between, again, Eclipse and Oniro stands, my talk and some other talks from
people I know. Except for a couple of cases, I decided to watch Oniro talks
during this week instead of at the event so I could talk to people, following
the same trend I do on f2f editions.

My talk, like most lightning talks, was poorly attended. I do not have a
number but I know most of the people that were there. It was a good exercise
for me though to condense the most relevant aspects of Oniro in 15 minutes.
Given the amount of technical talks Oniro team delivered, I left the technical
aspects out of mine. I will need a couple more iterations to consolidate it
but as a target, 15 min talk is ideal.

A takeaway for me was the high number of talks I saw that were edited/recorded
using OBS/kdenlive. I used zoom so I feel I am a little behind on this front
so I will invest some time in catching up.

Given the number of rooms and stands, following the event through matrix
(especially with a client) was chaotic. I wonder if this size is really
manageable online. I think though that matrix for Oniro will work extremely
well. I installed Element on my laptop through flatpak and I am amazed how
much resources it eats, by the way. 

In order to understand what a modern linux based OS system is, I frequently
put two distros as example: openSUSE Tumbleweed and freedesktop-sdk. There are
others but these two I know well. Javier Jardon, one of the lead persons at
freedesktop-sdk was present at my talk and we agreed on having a shared
session to learn about each other. It wouldn't be the first time I do this.
Other times it has been welcomed by engineers.

Another point I put some effort on was to analyse how mastodon reacts to

As some of you know, mastodon is gaining traction among hackers and
developers. Some people I know have reported me that they have 1 to 10
followers in mastodon compared to Twitter.  The profile of the audience is
very interesting for open source projects, in my opinion.,
for instance, have almost 700k accounts already.

I was surprised to see the traffic FOSDEM generated at mastodon. Philippe is
way more active in this social media than I am so I will let him confirm or
deny my impression.

I am curious on how Eclipse Foundation did on Linkedin in relation to FOSDEM.
I will ask. I published a couple of entries and got less relative attention
than those I did in Twitter. Does this match with your perception? I retweeted
and shared some of the media messages or marketing team and the EF team put
together on Twitter. Looking forward to evaluate how that aspect went.

In general, the technical elements of the conference worked well, given its
size. The Q&A part of the talks were well managed and easy to follow, at least
for me.

Again, thank you all for putting effort at FOSDEM. I hope next year we go back
to the cold, wet, crowded and uncomfortable f2f FOSDEM. And if not, this
year's experience will sure be valuable.

[1] <>
[2] <>

Best Regards
Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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