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[oniro-wg] Proposal: trustable software as core concept of Oniro's value proposition


I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I would send here a rationale for the 
proposal I did last week to include Trustable (software) as one of the five 
core concepts that characterise Oniro, following the proposal made by Davide 
R. in this regard.

## Background

Some years ago, I could witness and even participate back then in an effort 
that colleagues of mine, together with other experts, did to define a 
nomenclature as initial step to establish a common language that could be 
applied to resolve complex problems through system thinking related with 
safety in software.

The motivation came from, among other reasons, the limited results that the 
SWBOK in general, and the ISO26262 in particular, proposed, compared to the 
real needs consumers/society have in this regard as well as the friction that 
applying such safety/security standards creates with modern principles and 
practices required in the production and maintenance of software solutions. 

The results of this definition effort can be applied way beyond classical 
safety critical software related environments. In our case, it is applicable 
to our initial target industry (IoT and Edge). 

## What is trustable software

This definition effort was condensed in the "Towards trustable software"  
idea. Simplifying and summarising...

Trustable software  is designed, developed, delivered, released and maintained 
using trustable processes.

A trustable process can be defined as “auditable in such  a  way  that,  at  
any  point  in  the  process,  one  can assess the degree to which it can be 

The core principles of trustable are[2]:
"•  We know where the code comes from
•  Does the code do what it is supposed to do and does it not do what it is 
not supposed to do?
•  We know how the code was built and tested prior to deployment
•  We can reproduce it exactly from source code 
•  We can update the code and be confident it will not break or regress"

In order to asses those principles, audit evidences on the processes are 
"•  Evolution of problem/scope (requirements, standards and verification 
•  Evolution of solution/architecture
•  Selection/production of software (including tests)
•  Evolution of tests, test results and satisfaction of validation criteria
•  Traceability back through all previous phases
•  Maintenance changes/upgrades are being applied to the whole pipeline, not 
just code" 

This definition was created back in 2017 and I am sure that it can be 
revisited with the evolved knowledge in the field we have today but still 
feels current enough to me.

The following characterization[3] of Trustable Software better resonates to 
software developers:

"* Provenance (We know where it comes from)
* Construction (We know how to build it and we can reproduce it)
* Maintenance (We can update it and be confident that it will not break or 
* Function (It does what it is supposed to do and it does not do what it is 
not supposed to do)
* Protection (We have some confidence that it won't harm our communities and 
our children)

## Oniro: towards trustable software

It should be unacceptable to any OS, but especially to new ones, to ignore or 
even be lazy on any of the above concepts. Sadly, we are in a point in the 
history of this engineering discipline when, instead of the norm, the 
applicability of these evidence driven concepts and their auditability are the 
exception instead of the norm.

Oniro has to be part of the solution towards trustable software.

From what I have seen so far, our engineering team is aware of this challenge 
and are already promoting practices and applying measures to produce more 
trustable software. We all understand it as a journey.

I would like to see Oniro though reinforcing the values implied as well as the 
practices derived of the Trustable Software definition beyond our engineering 
team effort, making "towards trustable software" part of Oniro's DNA. 

I truly believe that, if we do make trustable software part of our DNA, just 
like Open Source is, it will become a relevant differentiation factor for us 
and an innovation factor as well. Many see this as a brake to innovation. Not 

## Proposal: trustable software as one of the five core concepts that 
characterise Oniro

Based on the above, I suggest to include Trustable Software as one of the five 
core concepts, in replacement of compliance, which is nothing but a subset of 
this trustable concept when we understand compliance as "continuous 

Such inclusion would send a clear message that this project considers "the 
how" we create our outputs relevant enough to turn it into a feature.

I want to work in a community with such "value". Who doesn't?  In any case, at 
some point, hopefully sooner than later, there will be no other option.

Let's lead.

[1] Trustable software, executive summary:
[2] Trustable software white paper:

Other links:
* Trustable goals:
* Article where the concept is applied:

Best Regards
Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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