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[oniro-wg] Participation of remote people from EF at the Oniro Summit

Hello Yuxin Wang and Davide,

let me start by thanking you and your colleagues at Huawei for assuming the 
effort to organise the first Oniro community gathering event (Oniro Summit), 
in this case, during 15-16.11 close to Bolzano, IT.

The community review started for Oniro in October 26th. Now that EclipseCon 
2021 (a key milestone for Oniro) is over, we would like to shift the attention 
towards moving from Incubation stage to Operational stage. In terms of dates, 
we have defined these dates as achievable: 

* Oniro TLP and Subprojects moving from Incubation to Operational, according 
to the Eclipse Foundation workflow, during the second week of December 2021

* Oniro WG moving from Incubation to Operational, according to the Eclipse 
Foundation workflow, during the second week of January 2022.

In order to achieve them, it is essential that all key players involved in 
Oniro understand the process and main actions that need to take place. They 
are in general well described in our documentation for a generic case but this 
event provide to us the opportunity to summarise them and clarify all 
potential questions for our particular case.

## Topics to consider in the current agenda

As mentioned, at EF we believe that it is essential to describe at this point 
what needs to happen for the Oniro WG and the Oniro TLP to move from 
Incubation to Operational stages in different aspects: organizational, 
financial, marketing, product, community, software development, etc. 

As we have mentioned and agreed, the participation of key people from the EF 
would be beneficial in this first event in various areas too clarify those 
steps. After going through the agenda, an internal discussion and the 
availability of those key EF staff, we would like to add the following 
considerations to the agenda:

1. Topic: Oniro WG, from Incubation to Operational
   * EF Speaker: Paul Buck
   * Track Business
   * Audience: Supporter organizations representatives.
   * The necessary move towards becoming Operational has a high impact in 
activities in several different areas. We suggest to put focus on this topic 
very early in the event, as opening point of the initial session on the 
business track.

2. Topic: Oniro TLP, from Incubation to Operational
   * EF speaker: Wayne Beaton
   2.1 Audience: Organization representatives
      * Track Business
      * We think it would be interesting for the Supporter organization 
representatives to listen to a short summary of the key next steps the TLP 
should go through. Understanding the different journeys that the TLP and the 
WG should go through will help to better understand the relation between the 
two structures.
   2.2 Audience: PMC  candidates and key contributors.
      * Track: Technical
      * We think it is essential for committers/contributors and especially 
for potential PMC candidates to listen to the next steps that the TLP project 
and future subprojects will have to go through to become operational. It will 
also be beneficial to open a Q&A session with Wayne Beaton about this topic.

3. Oniro budget
   * EF Speaker: Paul Buck
   * Track Business
   * Audience: Supporter organizations representatives.
   * Before getting into discussions about the budget itself, we strongly 
believe that Supporter organizations, especially those unfamiliar with Eclipse 
processes at Steering Committee level, would benefit from learning about the 
goals, processes and expectations related with the budget.  

 4. IP Due Diligence process and Jasmine
   * EF participant: Wayne Beaton 
   * Track: Technical
   * Jasmine lauch strongly depends on the completion of the EF IP Due 
Diligence process. In fact, given the number of licenses and the the timelines 
we are currently working on, this process can involve a high risk given that 
it is placed in the critical path for any EF release. We suggest to put focus 
on this topic at the event.

5. Technology and Infrastructure Migration Plan   
   * EF Participants: Denis Roy
   * Operations
   * This is another activity that demands priority in the coming weeks/
months. It is also partly located in the critical path to Jasmine so it 
requires focus, in my view, during this event.

6. Marketing 
   * EF Speakers: Clark Roundy and Shanda Giacomoni
   * Business and Operations
   * We believe all Supporter organizations representatives would benefit from 
understanding how the Marketing Committee operates, how it relates to the 
Steering Committee and how it should support developers from the different 
subprojects. I think this is a necessary step to define any achievable 
marketing strategy.

## Suggestions to the schedule

Given the availability of the EF staff and the considerations made above, 
please consider the following suggestions.

I attach a spreadsheet to better reflect the below suggestions. I have only 
referred in the sheet to the topics/sessions that might be affected by this 

### Session Strategic Pillars and KPI session Mon 15th 15:00 to 16:00 hours

I suggest to start on Monday the business track with the process to move 
towards an Operational stage, described by Paul and Wayne.

The next steps for the WG would be described in more detail than the steps for 
the TLP. For the TLP we suggest a dedicated 30 min, as proposed below. 

30 min between descriptions and Q&A should be enough for this topic.

### Oniro TLP, from Incubation to Operational

As mentioned short summary about this topic would be provided in the above 
slot. In addition, I suggest a dedicated session including Wayne, myself and 
the potential PMC members (and others interested).

In terms of availability, Tuesday 16th from 15:30 to 16:00 hours CET would be 
ideal so Wayne can move from the business to the Operations track.

Having the proposal of subprojects as well as potential candidates for the PMC 
as input for this session would help to focus the conversation and evaluate 
the impact in Jasmine's roadmap. 

### 2022 WG Budget

It would be ideal to start this session with a short description of the 
expectations from the EF when it comes to the first budget as well as the key 
steps that should be followed for its creation and approval.

Once this topic is clear, it will be easier to get into other financial 

Paul Buck will be available from 16 to 17 on Tuesday 16th Nov. He is the right 
person to provide such overview and answer the organization representatives 

### IP Due Diligence processes and Oniro

Given the relevance and complexity of this topic as well as the amount of 
people that it involves, I suggest to focus time on this topic by the creation 
of a dedicated session. 

In terms of availability, I suggest to discuss it on Tuesday from 15:00 to 
16:00 hours CET. The idea is to bring the output of this conversation to the 
Jasmine roadmap conversation which should take place later on. 

### Marketing

On the marketing session, we would like you to consider starting with an 
introduction from Clark describing the scope of the marketing strategy within 
the Steering Committee and the main activities to be developed within the 
Marketing Committee.

He will also describe the actions that should drive the agenda of the 
Marketing group in order to move Oniro from Incubation to Operational and 
which ones should be developed once the Oniro WG is formally created. Some 
words on how these activities relate to the budget will also be important, I 

Given that we already have a marketing group, it might be a good idea to split 
the marketing conversations into two, one on the existing business track and 
one in the operational track. This split could leave additional room for other 
topics in the business track, specially considering this proposal.

I suggest, the second meeting to take place on Monday 15th on the slot (from 
16:15 to 17:15)

### Technology infrastructure and migration plan 

I believe it would be important to add part of the output of this session as 
input for the Jasmine roadmap session. So I would like to suggest to advance 
this conversation to the 15:00 to 16:00 hours CET slot. 

We will request in advance information that will serve Denis Roy as input to 
prepare the meeting. The EF needs to create a plan to transfer the ownership 
of the existing infrastructure and services to Oniro (those that make sense) 
and we obviously need input from and agreements with the engineers currently 
running it.

### Roadmap for the first Oniro release, Jasmine

The current Jasmine roadmap will be impacted by the need to move Oniro from 
the Incubation stage to the Operational stage. I think we all want Jasmine to 
be the first Oniro release, taking full advantage of all the collective effort 
we are putting on Oniro.

Given that the discussion of the roadmap might need input from the discussions 
on the other topics, I suggest to leave this session/topic for the last slot 
on Tuesday, from 16:15 to 17:15.

In such slot Wayne and Clark could participate remotely to provide input from 
the IP compliance and the Product Marketing front if required.   

## Availability

The above suggestions are strongly based on the the EF staff availability. 

I am available tomorrow and Wednesday morning (EU) to clarify any of the above 
suggestions in case it is necessary. I have tried to adjust the proposal to 
the existing agenda too the maximum.

Best Regards 

Agustin Benito Bethencourt
Oniro Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

Attachment: Oniro-Summit-2021-agenda-suggestions-from-EF.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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