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[omr-dev] Minimal FrontEnd.hpp extension


I am looking at the FrontEnd.hpp files in testcompiler and JitBuilder
projects. I am trying to understand what following are for - and if
they are needed.

   void encodeStackMap(
      TR_GCStackMap *map,
      uint8_t *location,
      bool encodeFourByteOffsets,
      uint32_t bytesPerStackMap,
      TR::Compilation *comp);

   bool mapsAreIdentical(
      TR_GCStackMap *mapCursor,
      TR_GCStackMap *nextMapCursor,
      TR::GCStackAtlas *stackAtlas,
      TR::Compilation *comp);

   uint8_t *createStackAtlas(
      bool encodeFourByteOffsets,
      uint32_t numberOfSlotsMapped,
      uint32_t bytesPerStackMap,
      uint8_t *encodedAtlasBaseAddress,
      uint32_t atlasSizeInBytes,
      TR::Compilation *comp);

      bool encodeFourByteOffsets,
      uint32_t numberOfSlotsMapped,
      uint32_t bytesPerStackMap,
      TR::Compilation *comp);

Thanks and Regards

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