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Re: [omr-dev] our coding standard

On 9/1/2016 10:36 PM, Daniel Heidinga wrote:
I went through the branches Matthew had posted (thanks for doing that!)

No problem :D

and compared the formatted code to the original using

One thing I'd encourage everyone to do is also look at the C++ code
handling. An appreciable fraction of the changes that will be made
because of C++ specific style tweaks.

I agree that 'webkit' is closest to our
current standard (though I strongly prefer to use tabs rather than
spaces as it helps avoid the ascii-art alignment in code).  For most of
the standards, the lines are very short when formatted.  Can this be

Everything can be tweaked with enough effort :D Below my signature I've
dumped the precise definition of what clang-format-3.8 considers to be
'webkit' style. The relevant parameter would be ColumnLimit, which is
set to zero (disabling a column limit). Other styles could have that

The clang-format configurator website [1] is a very visual way of
exploring format options.

It also doesn't address the issue of missing braces for control flow (if
/ while / etc).  A separate tool (clang-tidy?) would be needed to
address these kinds of issues.  If we're requiring one, do we want to
require both tools?

I'd absolutely support us getting to the point where we could use
clang-tidy, and write our own checks and fixes. The clang-tidy tool
you're looking for is readability-braces-around-statements[2].

> My overall impression is that the autoformatter doesn't actually get
> us to consistent code, it just introduces auto-generated
> inconsistencies.

Certainly the transition introduces inconsistencies. However, the tool
once formatted and deployed, should then be relatively stable: Changes
the tools makes subsequently should be driven by code changes.

In my opinion having the tool make these decisions for me is incredibly
valuable, saving me huge amounts of effort.

For me: I will run clang-format religiously, whatever style someone
gives me. I prefer something like webkit or llvm, for the simple reason
that they're built in. Personally, if someone else is willing to develop
and maintain a style file for the OMR style, I'll use it. I just don't
want to be the one who maintains it.

-- Matthew


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