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Re: [omr-dev] our coding standard

On 8/22/2016 1:47 PM, Mark Stoodley wrote:

I would like to propose we move to a completely different coding standard that can be automatically applied by a tool like clang-format: maybe something like LLVM or WebKit. With a tool automatically applying the formatting, the risk of new bugs being introduced is low whereas the benefit of a unified, consistent, and automatically enforced coding standard is high

Just a +1 to the idea of adopting an existing style. Furthermore, I'd suggest choosing one well supported by even older versions of clang format. We prototyped a .clang-format for the OMR style, and found that it required a very new version of clang-format, and lots of configuration, leading to lots of potential for argument.

The beauty of adopting an existing standard is that the formatting command we give contributors can be as simple as 'clang-format -style=llvm', and we just live with the style.

-- Matthew Gaudet


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