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  • Re: [nebula-dev] Github: basic infrastructure is created, (continued)
  • [nebula-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: nebula.stable.pullrequests #1, hudsonbuild
  • [nebula-dev] Build failed in Jenkins: nebula.stable #239, hudsonbuild
  • [nebula-dev] New topic in forum Nebula, called Nebula Project Webpage Missing, by Douglas Carter, forums-noreply
  • [nebula-dev] Nebula website moved to Gerrit, Wim Jongman
  • [nebula-dev] Referendum to Move to Github, Wim Jongman
  • [nebula-dev] New topic in forum Nebula, called [GanttChart] Zooming for D_Day view?, by Robert Hilbrich, forums-noreply
  • [nebula-dev] New topic in forum Nebula, called RichTextEditor: Table-Tags are removed when set in editor?, by Magnus Konze, forums-noreply
  • [nebula-dev] Moving to Gerrit., Eclipse Webmaster
  • [nebula-dev] TableCombo does not inherit GTK color, Wender Oliveira
  • [nebula-dev] New topic in forum Nebula, called upgrade CKeditor in Richtext, by vincent lorenzo, forums-noreply
  • [nebula-dev] New topic in forum Nebula, called XY Graph - Single series with different color, by Elip Dkc, forums-noreply
  • [nebula-dev] RoundedToolbar tooltips issue, Justin Dolezy
  • [nebula-dev] 2.0.1 was released, Wim Jongman
  • [nebula-dev] Release 2.0.1 available, Wim Jongman
  • [nebula-dev] 2.0.1 will be released next week April 21, Wim Jongman
  • [nebula-dev] Problem on build, Laurent Caron
  • [nebula-dev] Public maven repository for Nebula 2.0.0?, Matthias Paul Scholz
  • [nebula-dev] CDateTime widget: no possibility to specify Realm in CDateTimeObservableValue, Matthias Paul Scholz
  • [nebula-dev] New widgets available on Nebula examples perspective?, Matthias Paul Scholz
  • [nebula-dev] New Nebula Opal widgets require too recent a version of org.eclipse.swt, Matthew.Webber@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • [nebula-dev] Nebula and EclipseCon, Laurent Caron
  • [nebula-dev] Nebula 2.0.0 is released, Wim Jongman
  • [nebula-dev] 2.0.0 Release candidate published, Wim Jongman
  • [nebula-dev] RichText widget, Wim Jongman
  • [nebula-dev] Visualization widgets, Wim Jongman
  • [nebula-dev] Please remove my committer status, Elias Volanakis
  • [nebula-dev] Anyone created already a FloatingText widgets for SWT?, Lars Vogel

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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