Hi folks,
I have created new jobs that use the GitHub PR Builder on Jenkins for stable[1] and incubation[2]. These builders will report back to the PR, meaning each PR should have 3 checks run, the two builds, plus the IP check (screenshot from [3]):
The PR builds do not use the "build-server" profile, therefore they run much faster, but they are not signed or pack200'd.
All member of the Eclipse organisation[4] should have their PRs built automatically as the whole organisation is on the whitelist. All other PRs need to be approved before they are built for the first time. To approve a PR you have to be an admin and say:
- "ok to test" to accept this pull request for testing
- "test this please" for a one time test run
- "add to whitelist" to add the author to the whitelist
If the build fails for other various reasons you can rebuild.
- "retest this please" to start a new build
See full documentation for more info[5]
All committers can be admins, simply add yourself to the list ([1,2] -> Configuration -> Build Triggers -> GitHub Pull Request Builder -> Admin list). I have added Wim and myself so far.
Note that Jenkins polls at 5 minute intervals, so there will be a delay between a PR being submitted and the build starting. There are security considerations for allowing webhooks[6].
Please let me know if you see anything amiss.