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Re: [mylyn-dev] Request for help: connector discovery

Hello David,

I reported few minor UI issues I found (277191, 277194).

I wanted to try creating custom discovery site again, but Discovery
Connector didn't show up my plugin. After some digging around I found
that VerifyUpdateSiteJob discards connectors with update sites without
content.jar file. My update site doesn't have P2 metadata, so it
doesn't show up :-(

Do you plan on requiring P2 metadata on update site in the future?

In my experience, having this metadata on my update site caused lot of
troubles in Ganymede and update works much better without it (for me).
Because of this, and also because I don't really have much time to
learn more about P2, I plan to avoid it for as long as I can. Eclipse
3.5 milestones have no trouble updating from such site, so making it a
requirement from Discovery Connector doesn't sound good to me :-(

Thank you,

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 5:58 PM, David Green <dgreen99@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Committers,
> The connector discovery component is 'mostly done'.  As we are nearing the
> deadline for 3.2 it's critical that this new feature get as much testing and
> exposure as possible.
> When you have a moment please take the time to use and test this new
> feature.  It can be activated by using the 'Add Task Repository' wizard and
> pressing the 'Download More Connectors...' button.  Currently discovery will
> find a JIRA and a Trac connector (unless they are already installed).
> If you have questions about how discovery should work please ask myself, Mik
> or Steffen.  If it's not intuitive or if there are any other issues please
> create bugs as a subtask of 272621.
> Thanks,
> David
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