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Re: [mylar-dev] Need advice on how to go about implementing a connector

Nathan Hapke wrote:
2) Would you recommend a SOAP or a REST interface for any specific reason or based on experience with JIRA vs BugZilla?
I didn't write any of the internals of either of these connectors, so I can't really comment on that. My intuition says that it's probably more complexity than you need though.
3) Does Mylar recommend any particular remoting protocol, like RMI or Burlap / Hessian
Mylar makes an effort to make sure that connectors are not imposed any restrictions on which connection protocol they wish to use. if it's helpful for you the org.eclipse.mylar.context.core plug-in exports the Apache httpclient, and xml-rpc client libraries.
I am sure Mik will comment on this, but there is some ongoing effort to unify data structures for repository integration. This JTrac project could be a really good driver for this. Such unified API would make integration of the new issue trackers with Mylar much easier.

Generally I believe that the simpler is the better. Hessian and Burlap are quite proprietary.

RMI will be the most troublesome choice because non-http protocols disabled almost everywhere and even for http many users have to go to the external world trough proxy. We should also keep in mind non-Java clients and non-Java servers.

So, REST over HTTP is probably the best choice, but there is still plenty of gray area about data structures and what remote calls need to be exposed.


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