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RE: [mylar-dev] 1.0.0 preview builds

Rob and I looked over this thoroughly when testing and tried to break in
several ways but could not reproduce.  My message to Willian on this is
below.  This almost certainly means that a connector did not install or
start, or that your Task List data directory ended up pointing at the wrong
place.  Possible causes:
* Some *really* old version of Mylar started.  I have test workspaces with
old versions that go way back and did not notice this failure.
* One of the connectors did not download.

Eugene, Willian: if you can provide any information indicating other
potential causes of failure please post in case we need to investigate this
further.  The only other thing I can imagine is weird externalization
failures in the web connector since you guys use it and it is not as well
covered in the test suite or manual tests, but that seems unlikely.

Rob: we currently only preserve 'orphaned' tasks for which an externalizer
was not found, post 1.0 let's do the same thing for queries to avoid people
having to do a restore in this scenario.

> If the connector failed to load the queries would not get 
> read, but we have a backup mechanism that ensures tasks get 
> re-persisted even if the connector that knows how to 
> externalize them goes missing.  To determine any possible 
> cause of failure we need to see why the connector would fail 
> to load (e.g. stack traces for the timeouts, so consider 
> submitting a bug).  A possible cause could be having a very 
> old version of Mylar load.  Fyi, it seems impossible for this 
> to happen anytime other than startup, task data dir change, 
> or import of task data.  


> -----Original Message-----
> From: mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:mylar-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> On Behalf Of Willian Mitsuda
> Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2006 6:08 AM
> To: Mylar developer discussions
> Subject: Re: [mylar-dev] 1.0.0 preview builds
> Interesting... I'm wondering if this is somewhat related to the same I
> experienced some days ago (see my past mail about "all queries being
> lost").
> On 12/9/06, Eugene Kuleshov <eu@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Mik,
> >
> >   I've been reinstalling this version few times and also caught issue
> > when all my queries (except web queries) got lost.
> >
> >   regards,
> >   Eugene
> >
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