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Re: [mylar-dev] netbeans Tasklist module

No way these can be used directly. No unit tests, AWT and org.openide classes are used all over the place. Though one could rip them off and use that code to implement Mylar providers. IssueZilla and Scarab has been requested for some time.

Anyways, I checked implementation of IssuzeZilla ( and and apparently they are using approach similar to what I've suggested - run query, search for magic string "show_bug.cgi?id=" and then run another request to get all issue details using "xml.cgi?id=" with "&show_attachments=false".


Mik Kersten wrote:
Check this out:

While I didn't see any screenshots of it, it's interesting that they support
Issuezilla and  I wonder if they wrote custom screen scrapers or
came up with a more clever approach that we could use.
I emailed the module owner asking about that, and also suggested that they
consider using our bugzilla.core.


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