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Re: [mylar-dev] Custom repository connector


1. Do I need to build all or part of Mylar, or can I develop my connector in a separate project (and compile against Mylar jars)?

Generally, you should develop your connector as a separate project and
compile against Mylar.

The good approach would be as Mik, suggested before. Create two projects like:

1) org.eclipse.mylar.siemens.bugtrack.core - which should handle all
the communication detail

2) org.eclipse.mylar.siemens.bugtrack.ui - depends on core, and
contributes the eclipse UI for you bug tracking system

2. What is the set of classes that I need to extend (AbstractRepositoryConnector, ITaskRepositoryListener, etc)? I can't find any documentation on this.

The one thing I can advice is, study the other integration that ships
with Mylar, I've started with bugzilla, but Mik suggested to start
with JIRA.

Unfortunately, I haven't found any documentation, too.
You can view Mylar extension points, with Eclipse plugin editor.

If you have any questions, just ask.


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