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Re: [mosquitto-dev] Authentication and access control - opinions wanted

The changes look good to me.

In my own experimentation I have replaced the authentication functions with a microservice implementation (also used for retained storage) - I added additional info pretty much as you describe.

I use a Whitelist/Blacklist approach for both PUB and SUB - also for the retain flag as you note. If there is interest I would be glad to post the python algorithms in a test module - it handles wildcards appropriately.


On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 12:14 PM, Roger Light <roger@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

I've started writing up some of the proposed changes for the
authentication plugin. One change that has already been committed is
the possibility of using multiple plugins as described in this bug

Other changes that I'd welcome any input on are on the wiki: This is still
a work in progress (I've not written up the authentication check
changes for example), but I thought I'd get the ball rolling. Please
take a look and if you have any opinions any of that or on what you
think the authentication/access control plugin ought to have access
to, please post here.

If you've written your own authentication plugin, it's definitely
worth your while taking a look because there will certainly be
breaking changes, even if not exactly as on that page.


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