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[mosquitto-dev] Mosquitto broker consumes too much memory and never release it.

Hi All,

Recently I observed that, on my test environment (AWS micro instance) some of the mosquitto brokers are consuming about more than 250 MB of memory.

I have done some analysis and found that it consumes more memory while publishing QoS 0 messages with log_type information.

Below are the results of analysis done on my local machine with a simple test case.

Platform: Linux Mint 17 Qiana
Mosquitto version: 1.3.1
Mqtt Client used: Paho APIs 1.0.1
Number of message published: 25000 X 5 (5 threads simultaneously publishing 25000 messages each, on the same broker, on the same topic)
Number of clients subscribed: 4

QoSLog_TypeMemoryCPU %Approx time for each thread to publish (millis)
0Info42 MB845500
0Debug8.6 MB323300
1Info11.7 MB4460000
1Debug6.2 MB40105000
2Info1.6 MB8430000
2Debug2.8 MB8218000
It does not even release consumed memory after all published messages are received by the client.

So, I want to know if there is any way, I can publish QoS 0 messages with log level info, without consuming so much memory.

And is there any way to make broker, to release the consumed memory once all messages are received.

Note: retained parameter is false while publishing messages.

Thanks and Regards,

Prashant Kedia
Co-Founder and Developer
Bizlers Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

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