Hugo Brunelière wrote:
Hello all,
The MoDisco contribution from Bug 296093 has a dependency to
the third-party plug-in "Checkstyle" (from http://eclipse-cs.sourceforge.net/).
This MoDisco contribution has already been IP-validated, cf. CQ 3615.
However, as stated from http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/Eclipse_Policy_and_Procedure_for_3rd_Party_Dependencies_Final.pdf
and asked by Sharon, the final approval of the Modeling PMC is needed
for ending the process.
Note that we are in the case a) i) : a dependency of type
"works with" to a library which is not required for the plug-in (and
MoDisco) to work properly.
Please, could you provide your opinion on this?
Best regards,
Hugo Bruneliere (on behalf of the MoDisco team)
Hugo Bruneliere - R&D Engineer
AtlanMod Team (INRIA & EMN) - Room B206
Ecole des Mines de Nantes
4, rue Alfred Kastler
44307 Nantes Cedex 3 - France
office. +33 (0)2 51 85 82 21
cell.+33 (0)6 07 42 45 30
EMail: hugo.bruneliere@xxxxxxxx
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