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  • Re: [modeling-pmc] Builds: The never ending nightmare, (continued)
  • [modeling-pmc] Fwd: [amp-dev] Project meta data is out of date for modeling.amp, Miles Parker
  • [modeling-pmc] [Fwd: Fwd: [emft-dev] Project Termination], Ed Merks
  • [modeling-pmc] Project Termination, Ed Merks
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 3802] MoDisco browser customization dedicated to Java + test plug-ins, emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] PMC Meeting, Ed Merks
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 3795] Launcher for MOFScript generation, emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] Re: Epsilon GMT component migration, Ed Merks
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 3775] Google Collections Version: 1.0 (PB CQ3285), emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 3777] ANTLR Runtime Version: 3.1.1 (PB CQ2606), emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 3778] ANTLR Version: 3.0 Runtime (PB CQ1359), emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 3779] easymock Version: 2.4 (PB CQ2551), emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 3776] log4j Version: 1.2.15 (PB CQ3560), emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 3774] Guice Version: 2.0 (PB CQ3498), emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] Hi :#, Miles Parker
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 3746] Java standard browser customization + test plug-ins, emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 3747] Java JDK Browser Customization Example Plug-in, emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] [CQ 3745] Java standard queries + test plug-ins, emo-ip-team
  • [modeling-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Darius Jockel, portal on behalf of emo
  • [modeling-pmc] MTF Review, third try, Anne Jacko
  • [modeling-pmc] MTF review result -- change in plan, Anne Jacko
  • [modeling-pmc] MTF Creation Review results, Anne Jacko
  • [modeling-pmc] Remove EMF Index from Helios, Jan Köhnlein
  • [modeling-pmc] MoDisco integration in Helios : Exception for involuntary delay - M4 now ready + preparing for M5, Hugo Brunelière
  • [modeling-pmc] Today's PMC Meeting, Ed Merks
  • [modeling-pmc] Eclipse Modeling Package Mega Diet, Cédric Brun
  • [modeling-pmc] Modeling Project Runway (2010), Kenn Hussey
  • [modeling-pmc] Modeling Projects Participating in Helios, Kenn Hussey
  • [modeling-pmc] Fwd: FW: [cross-project-issues-dev] capability bundles to be removed fromHelios build aggregation, Adolfo Sánchez-Barbudo Herrera
  • Re: [modeling-pmc] Declaration for the Graphiti project, Wenz, Michael
  • [modeling-pmc] Use of a Prefuse third-party bundle (to be added to Orbit) in MoDisco, Hugo Brunelière
  • [modeling-pmc] Re: [] Declaration for the Graphiti project, Artem Tikhomirov

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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