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RE: [modeling-pmc] Release Review for Some Projects

For obvious reasons, we would like the community to perform the release review before Callisto is out. Consequently, I would like to propose we meet sometime this week to close on this. How about as part of tomorrow's meeting after the MDDi discussion or Wednesday 10:00 EST?


       - Fred

Frédéric Plante
Rational Software, IBM Software Group

"Richard Gronback" <Richard.Gronback@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: modeling-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

06/02/2006 05:14 PM

Please respond to
PMC members mailing list <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"PMC members mailing list" <modeling-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Vishwanath Ramaswamy/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA, Paul Elder/Ottawa/IBM@IBMCA
RE: [modeling-pmc] Release Review for Some Projects

Let's add this to the agenda for our next PMC call.  I'm not clear on what it means to have a Release Review for components that are part of a technology incubator project, such as EMFT.  To me, they would need to either 'break out' of EMFT and follow the process as full-fledged projects, or the whole of EMFT would be released.

From: modeling-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:modeling-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Frederic Plante
Friday, June 02, 2006 3:58 PM
Vishwanath Ramaswamy; Paul Elder
[modeling-pmc] Release Review for Some Projects


Vishy Ramaswamy (EMFT-TQOV) and Paul Elder (EMFT-JET) would like to make a request to the EMO in order to get a release review for their respective projects and exit incubation.

The Eclipse process requires that the PMC approves such a move before the EMO work with the project lead to schedule the release review.

I propose that we approve such a request and call for a vote from the PMC members on this matter:

EMFT -TQOV (Transaction, Query, OCL, Validation)

These four components are used by GMF and are indirectly aligned with the Callisto train through GMF.


This component has followed the same rigorous process EMF and EMFT projects went through in the last year. (Met Callisto Milestones, Accessibility test, Translation tests, etc...)


      - Fred

Frédéric Plante
Rational Software, IBM Software Group

modeling-pmc mailing list

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