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Re: [modeling-pmc] Fw: Status Teneo?

Title: Re: [modeling-pmc] Fw: Status Teneo?
OK with me, provided the Technology PMC gave approval for the code contribution and the Contribution Questionnaire was submitted.  Or, are we reprocessing this request and first obtaining PMC approval for the code contribution prior to a new Contribution Questionnaire submitted via the Modeling PMC, iaw

Either is fine with me, as long as we’ve got the process steps covered.


On 6/12/06 9:48 AM, "Ed Merks" <merks@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Teneo has completed its legal review and is ready to begin committing code to CVS.   I would like to make the provisioning request for this as subproject within the EMFT project, as long as there are no outstanding concerns.  Is everyone okay with that?

Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
mailto: merks@xxxxxxxxxx
905-413-3265  (t/l 969)

----- Forwarded by Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM on 06/12/2006 09:29 AM -----
"Janet Campbell" <janet.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxx> 06/11/2006 10:53 AM


"'Martin Taal'" <mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, "'Sharon Corbett'" <sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx>


RE: Status Teneo?

Yes, you are set to go.


Janet Campbell
Manager, Intellectual Property
Eclipse Foundation Inc.
Phone:  (613) 224-9461, x.229 (GMT -5)
Fax:  (613) 224-5172
email:  janet.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxx

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Taal [mailto:mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 12:18 PM
To: Janet Campbell
Cc: 'Ed Merks'; 'Sharon Corbett'
Subject: Re: Status Teneo?

Hi Janet,
Just to confirm to you that I have removed dom4j.
Does this mean that now Teneo is (or can be) legally approved?

gr. Martin

Janet Campbell wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Once you have removed dom4j, you'll need to request PMC approval for the
> contribution (the PMC that was relevant at the time the contribution was
> submitted for approval), then once you get approval, you can submit the
> contribution to CVS.  Thanks again for your patience through this process.
> FYI - I have another person joining the Foundation next week to assist
> IP reviews and so I expect that this will help our throughput
> going forward.
> Best regards,
> Janet
> Janet Campbell
> Manager, Intellectual Property
> Eclipse Foundation Inc.
> Phone:  (613) 224-9461, x.229 (GMT -5)
> Fax:  (613) 224-5172
> email:  janet.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxx
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Taal [mailto:mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 6:09 PM
> To: Janet Campbell
> Cc: 'Ed Merks'; 'Sharon Corbett'
> Subject: Re: Status Teneo?
> Hi Janet,
> Thanks for your quick reply.
> Log4j 1.2.8 works and I have replaced the 1.2.13 version with this older
> version (copied from the wtp installation directory).
> I will remove dom4j from Elver. I will do this in the weekend.
> As far as I remember these were the only things you were looking at. All
> other external libraries can be downloaded by users from hibernate/jpox
> or more likely they will already have installed them.
> What would then be the next step?
> gr. Martin
> Janet Campbell wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> Regarding WTP's use of log 4j, I reviewed and approved v. 1.2.8 for their
>> use.  We are reviewing log4j 1.2.13 for you.  If you are able to use
> 1.2.8,
>> then I can approve that version and notify the Board.  I had understood
> that
>> you needed a more recent release.
>> I have not yet had an opportunity to revisit and attempt to resolve the
>> issues associated with dom4j. Beyond these two remaining contributions, I
>> don't believe that there is anything else that we are working on for you.
>> Is this your perspective as well?
>> Thanks,
>> Janet
>> Janet Campbell
>> Manager, Intellectual Property
>> Eclipse Foundation Inc.
>> Phone:  (613) 224-9461, x.229 (GMT -5)
>> Fax:  (613) 224-5172
>> email:  janet.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxx
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Martin Taal [mailto:mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 5:56 AM
>> To: Janet Campbell
>> Cc: 'Ed Merks'; 'Sharon Corbett'
>> Subject: Re: Status Teneo?
>> Hi Janet,
>> I was wondering how your review is going?
>> Related to log4j I noticed that eclipse is already distributed together
>> with log4j. When I search in the directories after unzipping an eclipse
>> wtp distribution
>> (wtp-all-in-one-sdk-R-1.0.2-200604200208-linux-gtk.tar.gz) I can find it
>> here:
>> ./plugins/org.apache.axis_1.2.1.v200602062208/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar
>> What can I conclude from this?
>> Can you share any conclusions related to the one other library: dom4j?
>> If dom4j is the only obstacle left then I can get rid of it (one/two
>> days of work). But I can ofcourse only spend this time if it really
>> means that this will really facilitate and speed up a legal approval.
>> gr. Martin
>> Janet Campbell wrote:
>>> Ed - Thanks.
>>> Martin - we will make an effort to move this forward in any event.  
>>> Recognize however, that with the impending Callisto release we are quite

>>> overloaded.  We'll do our best.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Janet
>>> Janet Campbell
>>> Manager, Intellectual Property
>>> Eclipse Foundation Inc.
>>> Phone:  (613) 224-9461, x.229 (GMT -5)
>>> Fax:  (613) 224-5172
>>> email:  janet.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:janet.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Ed Merks [mailto:merks@xxxxxxxxxx]
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 09, 2006 8:29 PM
>>> *To:* Janet Campbell
>>> *Cc:* 'Sharon Corbett'; mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> *Subject:* RE: Status Teneo?
>>> Janet,
>>> No, this isn't part of Callisto.
>>> Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
>>> mailto: merks@xxxxxxxxxx
>>> 905-413-3265  (t/l 969)
>>> *Martin Taal <mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>*
>>> 05/09/2006 06:56 PM
>>> Please respond to
>>> mtaal
>>> To
>>> Janet Campbell <janet.campbell@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> cc
>>> Ed Merks/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA, "'Sharon Corbett'"
>> <sharon.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> Subject
>>> RE: Status Teneo?
>>> Hi Janet,
>>> I understand.
>>> Regarding callisto. Maybe Ed can better comment on this. But I think
>>> there is still a lot of work which needs to be done to move the code to
>>> the Eclipse cvs/svn and build procedures. So I am not sure that a
>>> callisto release is feasible. This with the remark that I do not know
>>> the exact release plans of callisto.
>>> On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 18:33 -0400, Janet Campbell wrote:
>>> --
>>> With Regards, Martin Taal
>>> Springsite
>>> Barchman Wuytierslaan 72b
>>> 3818 LK Amersfoort
>>> tel: +31 (0)33 462 02 07
>>> fax: +31 (0)33 463 77 12
>>> Mobile: +31 (0)6 288 48 943
>>> email: mtaal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> web:

Richard C. Gronback
Borland Software Corporation
+1 860 227 9215

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