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[milo-dev] OpcUaCilentConfig

Hi, could anyone explain me in detail what exactly these parameters are doing:

// Sets configuration
                OpcUaClientConfig opcUaConfiguration = OpcUaClientConfig.builder()
                        .setKeepAliveFailuresAllowed(uint(0)) //Number of possible failures
                        .setKeepAliveInterval(uint(5_000)) //Time after which is session (connection) marked as disconnected

I understand what setEndpoint() does but I would like to make clear for what exactly (I have basic idea) is the rest (and based on what should I chose them).

setApplicationName: What for it is used?
setRequestTimeout: What exactly this means and how to select correct value?
setKeepAliveFailures: What happens when failures acceded this number, how to select correct one?
setKeepAliveInterval: How exactly this works, how to select the correct value, can setRequestTimeout be same value?

Jakub Znamenáček

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