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Re: [milo-dev] a tiny tool for iot data collection and monitoring by using Milo and others


Thank you for sharing this with us! It looks very interesting.

On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 8:39 AM shigeru ishida <s5u.ishida@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Kevin and everyone,

I have created a tiny tool that collects IoT data, visualizes it and sends it to MQTT broker.
It is running on Raspberry Pi 3B.

The following IoT data is supported.

  using Milo.

- Environmental information
  - TI SensorTag CC2650 (Temperature / Humidity / Barometric pressure / Illuminance)
    using bluez-dbus ( for BluetoothLE communication.
  - MH-Z19B (CO2 gas concentration)
    using jSerialComm ( for serial communication (GPIO).

It uses InfluxDB for the time series DB. By storing IoT data as time series data, you can easily
create a dashboard with Grafana or Chronograf.

InfluxDB and Grafana / Chronograf are running on other virtual machines (Ubuntu 18.04).
If the Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB memory model, this tool may be able to run these together.
If so, I think it will be closer to "tiny".

Also, as a sample server for OPC-UA, a connection setting file for Milo public demo server is included.
Please let me know if it is inconvenient.



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