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Re: [milo-dev] Browsing and ReferenceType

Thank you! HierarchicalReferences did the trick. Kind of obvious when you told me, but I am still learning :)

On 27 April 2018 at 14:43, Kevin Herron <kevinherron@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> How can I interpret the ReferenceType in the OPC UA Milo library? I have a ReferenceDescription of "TC#1", and the referenceTypeId is a NodeId with ns=3 and id=4006.
What is a "With" reference? I have not found any mention of this in any of the OPC UA literature I have read. I am using The Everyman's Guide to OPC UA by John S. Rinaldi as main reference.

Your "With" reference must be a custom reference type used by your server. You can tell because it's not part of Namespace 0, which is where all the OPC UA builtin types are defined. Because it's custom I can't tell you what it's for or what semantics it has.

The UaExpert application decided to omit the "With" "TC#1" reference in its tree view. This is because the "With" "TC#1" reference turns the tree into a cyclic graph. How could I implement something similar with Milo? Is there some way decide which references builds a hierarchy, and which references are "cross-references"?

If you change your browse so that it's browsing for HierarchicalReferences rather than all References the server will likely omit the "With" reference when you browse the "::prgIoLib" Node.

On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 4:38 AM, Mads Stavang <stavang@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am pretty new to OPC UA, and I am tasked to implement an OPC UA driver for our newest OPC UA enabled device. I have managed to browse the device using the BrowseExample from the client-examples. I have also in parallel accessed the new device with UaExpert, to cross-reference it with my java implementation.

I now have an issue with a cyclic graph on the device. I have a Node called "Tasks". It has a "HasComponent" reference "TC#1". "TC#1" has a "Organizes" reference to "::prgIoLib". "::prgIoLib" has a "With" reference to "TC#1". Here I have a cyclic graph, which causes the Browse example code to loop forever. So, now I have a couple of questions.
  1. How can I interpret the ReferenceType in the OPC UA Milo library? I have a ReferenceDescription of "TC#1", and the referenceTypeId is a NodeId with ns=3 and id=4006.
  2. What is a "With" reference? I have not found any mention of this in any of the OPC UA literature I have read. I am using The Everyman's Guide to OPC UA by John S. Rinaldi as main reference.
  3. The UaExpert application decided to omit the "With" "TC#1" reference in its tree view. This is because the "With" "TC#1" reference turns the tree into a cyclic graph. How could I implement something similar with Milo? Is there some way decide which references builds a hierarchy, and which references are "cross-references"?
Only question 1 (and arguably 3) is really Milo relevant, but I hoped you OPC UA experts could perhaps give me some pointers on question 2.

Best regards,
Mads Stavang

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