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[milo-dev] Browsing and ReferenceType


I am pretty new to OPC UA, and I am tasked to implement an OPC UA driver for our newest OPC UA enabled device. I have managed to browse the device using the BrowseExample from the client-examples. I have also in parallel accessed the new device with UaExpert, to cross-reference it with my java implementation.

I now have an issue with a cyclic graph on the device. I have a Node called "Tasks". It has a "HasComponent" reference "TC#1". "TC#1" has a "Organizes" reference to "::prgIoLib". "::prgIoLib" has a "With" reference to "TC#1". Here I have a cyclic graph, which causes the Browse example code to loop forever. So, now I have a couple of questions.
  1. How can I interpret the ReferenceType in the OPC UA Milo library? I have a ReferenceDescription of "TC#1", and the referenceTypeId is a NodeId with ns=3 and id=4006.
  2. What is a "With" reference? I have not found any mention of this in any of the OPC UA literature I have read. I am using The Everyman's Guide to OPC UA by John S. Rinaldi as main reference.
  3. The UaExpert application decided to omit the "With" "TC#1" reference in its tree view. This is because the "With" "TC#1" reference turns the tree into a cyclic graph. How could I implement something similar with Milo? Is there some way decide which references builds a hierarchy, and which references are "cross-references"?
Only question 1 (and arguably 3) is really Milo relevant, but I hoped you OPC UA experts could perhaps give me some pointers on question 2.

Best regards,
Mads Stavang

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