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[microprofile-wg] Notice of updated versions of the Eclipse Foundation Specification and TCK licenses


The Eclipse Foundation Board of Directors recently approved new versions of the Eclipse Foundation Specification License and the Eclipse Foundation TCK License.  The only material change to either license is to update the license to indicate the license is granted by Eclipse Foundation AISBL, our Belgian organization, rather than Foundation, Inc., our original US-based organization.  This update is part of our ongoing transition to being a  European organization.  

There is no action required by the working group governance.  Rather, this note is simply for informational purposes.  No existing specifications are required to take any action, though each specification project is welcome to do a maintenance release to enable publication using the updated licenses should they choose. We will, however, begin insisting that both new specifications as well as new versions of existing specifications (other than service releases), to use the new versions of the licenses. 

Attached are redline versions of the licenses for easy comparison for those who are interested. 

Feel free to reach out to license@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx should you have any questions. 

Best Regards,

Sharon Corbett
Program Director, Industry Collaborations Operations
Eclipse Foundation

Attachment: Eclipse Foundation Specification License v1_1 (redline).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Eclipse Foundation TCK License v1_1 (redline).pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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