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Re: [microprofile-dev] 2018 Duke's Choice Award Winner

Let's get this on the front page!

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018, 02:49 Josh Juneau <juneau001@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
To Everyone,

Please see the forwarded message from Oracle with the attached 2018 Duke's Choice Award badge! 

---------- Forwarded message ---------


I am pleased to confirm your 2018 Duke’s Choice Award win!  Winners will be publicly announced 
during the Oracle Code One Java keynote Monday October 22nd 5:00-7:00 PM. Georges Saab will
announce the winners via a slide.  Winners will also be included in a post-keynote press release.

The award ceremony and photo shoot will be Tuesday October 23rd at 3:15-4:00 pm in the Oracle Code
One Developer Lounge.  We are planning a beer bash celebration during the ceremony.

Attached for your use is the 2018 winner badge.  Please do not post the badge or announce your win until 
after the October 22nd on stage announcement. 


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