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Re: [] [Release] 0.7.2 is coming soon



As usual, and if everything goes fine, the result of the release will be available on the download server of Eclipse, as a p2 repository:


It will also be installable using modeling discovery interface, and finally, the zipped archive will be found on the web page





De : PERICO Emilien [mailto:EMILIEN.PERICO@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Envoyé : lundi 17 janvier 2011 12:00
À : Papyrus Project list; HEMERY Vincent; FAURE Tristan; FAUDOU Raphael; LANDRE Thibault
Objet : Re: [] [Release] 0.7.2 is coming soon


Hi Rémi,

Thank you for this information. Just a remark, as I see you won't be available after the release, I just remind you to provide the update-site for this new release. Not a zipped one but the update site reachable through http. It is required for us to perform builds for our integration.


Emilien Perico

Le 14/01/2011 18:08, SCHNEKENBURGER Remi 211865 a écrit :

Hi all,


A new release of Papyrus will be published next Wednesday, 19th of January. This will be build from the current branch 0.7.X, and will have version number 0.7.2.


Your last commits should be pushed on Tuesday evening. This will let me do the release on Wednesday, from 9.00 am to 5.00 p.m. I am not available as usual during the night, and I will not be present the following days, 20th and 21st of January.


Do not hesitate to contact me if you have remarks.





Remi Schnekenburger

+33 (0)1 69 08 48 48 - remi.schnekenburger@xxxxxx

CEA LIST, Laboratoire d’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour les Systèmes Embarqués (LISE), Point Courrier 94, Gif-sur-Yvette, F-91191 France


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