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Re: [] [Indigo] Merge of the branch 0.7.X in the trunk

Hi all,


I complete the previous mail with more explanations for the SVN repository management:


1.       Where to commit code?

2 cases can be identified:

-          If this is a bug fix for the 0.7.1 future version, the development should be committed in the branch/0.7.X path in the repository. As the release will be done next week, this should not be code that can have great impact on the whole tool. For example, this should be more corrections like Null Pointer Exceptions, wrong labels, etc.
As done by all projects, the commit should then be pushed in the trunk, using the “merge” action. See chapter2.

-          If this is a new development, new plugin or large API modification, this should be placed in trunk path.


2.       How to merge branch modification in the trunk?

The action ‘merge’ in Eclipse is not fully implemented, I prefer to use tortoise SVN tool personally to merge the branch into the trunk. Merge should only be done from the previous merge version to the current head version of the branch. The last merge can be seen in the logs of the trunk. For example, my last merge add the comment:  “Merged branch 0.7.X changes r2480:3444 into the trunk”. So the merge was taking into account modifications made on the branch from the r2480 to 3444. For the next merge, the beginning version should be 3445.


Hope this will be more clear for you now ;)






De : [] De la part de SCHNEKENBURGER Remi 211865
Envoyé : vendredi 10 décembre 2010 14:55
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : [] [Indigo] Merge of the branch 0.7.X in the trunk


Hi all,


I made recently a merge of the branch 0.7.X in the trunk, in order to prepare the first release of Papyrus Indigo version. As some commits were duplicated from branch to head, there were some conflicts I tried to resolve. Moreover the merge of the gmfgen plugins can be very hard to do.


For plugin developers, please check :

-          That your gmfgen files are still valid in the trunk and that your gmfgen files are still able to generate code. You should also modify your gmfgen in order to produce plugins with correct version number, i.e. 0.8.0.qualifier. I did update all version number of plugins, fragment and features, I did not update gmfgen files.

-          That all the commits you push in the branch are merged in the trunk. I found some interesting resources on the web about this procedure, for example






Remi Schnekenburger

+33 (0)1 69 08 48 48 - remi.schnekenburger@xxxxxx

CEA LIST, Laboratoire d’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour les Systèmes Embarqués (LISE), Point Courrier 94, Gif-sur-Yvette, F-91191 France


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