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Re: [] Automatic reload of models (if underlying resources change)

Okay i understand better.
Just to be sure i assume what you do is in the backbone and it is not dependent of UML, isn't it ?

Tristan FAURE

Le 05/10/2010 11:45, Ansgar Radermacher a écrit :
Hi Tristan,

an additional remark: on the EObject level, references to imported models appear in the eCrossReference list. I just wanted to remark that I initially thought that the resources belonging to cross-referenced objects were not part of the resource set, since I did not see them immediately after loading with the debugger - until I realized that the cross-references were pointing to proxy object's that were resolved on demand and the resources appear in this moment. I did not make any changes in the on-demand policy, it was primarly a remark that I had not been aware initially that referenced models appear in the resource set. The fact that they appear once resolved made the task a lot simpler.
Currently, I explicitly unload resources of referenced models if the underlying OS resource (File) has changed. Thus, the referenced objects become proxys again and will be resolved on demand (by the existing, unmodified on-demand load mechanism) with the updated contents.


On 10/05/2010 11:19 AM, GERARD Sebastien 166342 wrote:
Hi Tristan,

By UML imports, Ansgar refers to ElementImport and PackageImport of UML. These concepts are two standard concept of UML2 in order to model import in a UML model in standard way. See the spec respectively on pages 66 and 113.

Best... Sébastien.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] De la part de Tristan FAURE
Envoyé : mardi 5 octobre 2010 11:13
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] Automatic reload of models (if underlying resources change)

  Hi ansgar some remarks for the 1)

Le 04/10/2010 10:11, Ansgar Radermacher a écrit :
Dear all,

I have checked in a solution for the reload. It supports the reload of 
the model that is edited (tool asks user if he wants to reload) and of 
imports (are unloaded automatically without user intervention, will 
reload the new contents on demand). In the moment, there are no 
additional mechanism for preventing the user from simultaneous editing 
which would be important in the context of multiple users working on 
the same resource (and which would require quite different mechanisms 
of opening models, probably not file-based).

1. The observation/tests seemed to indicate that the resource set does 
not contains UML imports and tried to figure out how to detect imports 
without writing UML specific code ... until I found out that imports 
are indeed part of the resource set, but do not appear until the 
imports are actually loaded (proxy resolution). Although I was in 
principal aware of the "on-demand" loading policy, I thought resources 
would always be created but only load on demand (resource have an 
"isLoaded" flag). I added a comment to the model set to clarify this issue.
I don't understand what you mean by UML Imports ? I reckon UML Imports are all the resources loaded by the resources except the first one.
Did you check the code of OnDemandLoadingModelSet which is in charge to load resources according to user defined strategy ?
If you see the code you can remark that we have currently in Papyrus the control of Resource Loading and you extend the behavior to manage which resources are loaded or not ?

Concerning the isLoaded flag if i remember it is used if the resource has been loaded using Tracking_modification parameter.
2. I had a strange behavior with regards to imports: the model 
explorer updated these correctly, when I used an Eclipse text editor 
for the imported model (e.g. changed a class name), but not when I 
changed the name with an external editor+executed a refresh with the 
navigator. The simple reason for the different behavior: In my case, 
the navigator and model explorer share the same panel, i.e. only one 
of same is visible at a given time: when I call refresh, the explorer is temporarly invisible.
The problem is (see bug 326851) that the model explorer does not 
perform refresh operations when not visible which is an issue independ 
of automatic reloads. As a quick workaround, the refreshs are always enabled.

Best regards


On 09/24/2010 12:10 PM, Vincent Hémery wrote:

We have developped a feature which is very close to this in Topcased.

There are two different approaches, but I do not know whether the 
second one is feasable :

1. Use the same one as on Topcased, with each editor using a 

2. Use a common editing domain to share the resource whithin the 
different editors. In such a case, changes made in one editor will be 
repercuted on all editors, without having to reaload anything. All 
conflict problems will be (almost magically) solved.
The main problem is that normally, having one editing domain also 
means having only one command stack. And we would prefer keep 
separated command stacks within each editor.

On Topcased, we have chosen the 1st approach. So I can give you more 
details about it :

In such a context, I think your approach of tracking resources 
changes is the correct one. It is the same one as we applied on Topcased.

My advice is to keep a list of resources which have been modified to 
reload them only when it is necessary.

The main problematic is that giving write access to every editor will 
cause conflicts on resources.
Hence, you will have two options :
  A. Detect when these conflicts may occur and open only one editor 
in write mode by group of ModelSet sharing a same Model.
   This approach allows to minimize the number of reload, which may 
cost a lot of time.
  B. Reload at each modification as suggested in the bug. The problem 
is that if you edit with two conflicting editors, you will keep 
always refreshing the editors before each modification.

In Topcased, we've chosen approach A.

If you want to perform a refresh at each time the editor gets the 
focus, you can perform it with a listener with the following code on 
the editor :
PartListenerAdapter listener;

Though, I think authorizing conflicting editors working on the same 
resources is a bad idea. On the other hand, you can use it to perform 
other tasks, such as a check of read-only files.

While I'm talking about the write access of editors (hence about 
editors in read-only), I do not know either how files with the 
read-only attribute have been handled in Papyrus.
This will most probably happen when users use files shared with SVN, 
with a lock policy making all file read-only by default.
In such conditions, it would be a good thing if Papyrus forbides to 
edit the read-only files in the editor.

Another point which you should be aware of : there are resource 
loading mechanisms which already exist on Papyrus. Have a look on the 
org.eclipse.papyrus.core.resourceloading plugin.
You may have to use them or they may impose you some restrictions.

This is a vast task you are beginning. You may contact me if you have 
other interrogations.

Best regards,
Tristan FAURE
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