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Re: [] Automatic reload of models (if underlying resources change)


  I suppose that what is described in the article can be applied to Papyrus.

  The Resource management is actually a work in progress:
  In Papyrus, we try to hide the resources manipulation in a more abstract level : Model and ModelSet.
  •   A ModelSet is a set of Models
  • ModelSet is a papyrus Service that can be retrieved as Service
  •   A Model is a model that can be required by Papyrus (i.e.: UML, notation, sash, history, ...). A piece of code can ask the ModelSet for a particular Model
  •    A Model can be spraid in several Resources, or a Resource can contains several models (ex: .di contains sash and history).
  • New Models can be registered to  the ModelSet by using the Eclipse extension mechanism
Actually, the ModelSet API need to be  improved, and some stuff manipulating directly the Resources need to be moved in Models (like stuff done in Papyrus creation wizard).
  You can certainly implements your code in a Snippet (piece of code that can be attached to a ModelSet or Model).

 Hope this help,
Ansgar Radermacher wrote:
Dear all,

i'd like to work on bug 313988, unless someone already started this

Btw: I plan to track resource changes as described in
but, I have not really worked on resource manipulation yet. Is there
anything (specific to Papyrus resources) that I should take into account?

Best regards



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