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Re: [] Automatic reload of models (if underlying resources change)

2. Use a common editing domain to share the resource whithin the different editors. In such a case, changes made in one editor will be repercuted on all editors, without having to reaload anything. All conflict problems will be (almost magically) solved.
The main problem is that normally, having one editing domain also means having only one command stack. And we would prefer keep separated command stacks within each editor.
It might be a bit early but I just wanted to remark that we have implemented exactly this behavior in the Sphinx Workspace Management component. We share the same editing domain across multiple editors and views AND have found a way to include only those operations in the undo/redo menus which are have been done in the respective editor/view instance (by using EMF Transaction and its integration with Eclipse Operation History).

We are currently in the provisioning process of Sphinx and look forward to getting the code in during October. No idea what kind of timeline constraints you have with this but it could potentially be a starting point for getting Papyrus and Sphinx closer together.



On Topcased, we have chosen the 1st approach. So I can give you more details about it :

In such a context, I think your approach of tracking resources changes is the correct one. It is the same one as we applied on Topcased.

My advice is to keep a list of resources which have been modified to reload them only when it is necessary.

The main problematic is that giving write access to every editor will cause conflicts on resources.
Hence, you will have two options :
 A. Detect when these conflicts may occur and open only one editor in write mode by group of ModelSet sharing a same Model.
  This approach allows to minimize the number of reload, which may cost a lot of time.
 B. Reload at each modification as suggested in the bug. The problem is that if you edit with two conflicting editors, you will keep always refreshing the editors before each modification.

In Topcased, we've chosen approach A.

If you want to perform a refresh at each time the editor gets the focus, you can perform it with a listener with the following code on the editor :
PartListenerAdapter listener;

Though, I think authorizing conflicting editors working on the same resources is a bad idea. On the other hand, you can use it to perform other tasks, such as a check of read-only files.

While I'm talking about the write access of editors (hence about editors in read-only), I do not know either how files with the read-only attribute have been handled in Papyrus.
This will most probably happen when users use files shared with SVN, with a lock policy making all file read-only by default.
In such conditions, it would be a good thing if Papyrus forbides to edit the read-only files in the editor.

Another point which you should be aware of : there are resource loading mechanisms which already exist on Papyrus. Have a look on the org.eclipse.papyrus.core.resourceloading plugin.
You may have to use them or they may impose you some restrictions.

This is a vast task you are beginning. You may contact me if you have other interrogations.

Best regards,

Le 23/09/2010 11:58, Cedric Dumoulin a écrit :


I suppose that what is described in the article can be applied to Papyrus.

The Resource management is actually a work in progress:
In Papyrus, we try to hide the resources manipulation in a more abstract
level : Model and ModelSet.

    * A ModelSet is a set of Models
    * ModelSet is a papyrus Service that can be retrieved as Service
    * A Model is a model that can be required by Papyrus (i.e.: UML,
      notation, sash, history, ...). A piece of code can ask the
      ModelSet for a particular Model
    * A Model can be spraid in several Resources, or a Resource can
      contains several models (ex: .di contains sash and history).
    * New Models can be registered to the ModelSet by using the Eclipse
      extension mechanism

Actually, the ModelSet API need to be improved, and some stuff
manipulating directly the Resources need to be moved in Models (like
stuff done in Papyrus creation wizard).
You can certainly implements your code in a Snippet (piece of code that
can be attached to a ModelSet or Model).

Hope this help,

Ansgar Radermacher wrote:
Dear all,

i'd like to work on bug 313988, unless someone already started this

Btw: I plan to track resource changes as described in
but, I have not really worked on resource manipulation yet. Is there
anything (specific to Papyrus resources) that I should take into account?

Best regards


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