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Re: [] BOF about Modeling Workbench Architecture in EclipseCon

Title: Raphaël FAUDOU
Hi Stephan,

You are right. Let us open the BOF to other Eclipse Modeling projects.

I have just tried to add you as author and I became assistant. When I tried to change it I gave an error and was removed as author.
Now I can not change I can not access anymore to the BOF. :'(

Kenn, could you tell me who I can contact to change the authors (put Me and Stephan)?

Stephan Eberle a écrit :
Hi Raphaël,

this is a very good idea. A BOF at EclipseCon is an excellent opportunity for clarifying what we are going to do in Sphinx al

I'd even say that we should extend the scope of this BOF by addressing relationships to other Eclipse (modeling) projects and the possible collaboration axes with the corresponding development teams. You all have probably already noticed the MDT forum post where the MTF project lead has raised the question how MTF and Sphinx relate to each other... So, explicitly addressing these kinds of worries would most probably be highly appreciated.

I therefore believe that it would be good to adjust this BOF's title and description accordingly. This way we could avoid that people end up considering it as a sort of Papyrus-Artop-Sphinx internal project meeting. It would attract many more folks and increase our chances to get accepted. How about that?

Btw, if it is possible and you like the idea, you can also add me as second author to this BOF.



Am 11.02.2010 14:41, schrieb Raphael FAUDOU:

Hi all,

There have been a lot of discussions concerning the avent of a "workbench" of modeling with Papyrus in ESE 2009 and then with Sphinx proposal recently.
I found it interesting to submit a BOF on architecture of such a workbench :

Modeling Workbench Architecture - merging Papyrus backbone and Sphinx framework

Hope it will help in building a good "workbench of modeling" for the community (if accepted)


Image Signature IOC Raphaël FAUDOU
Responsable cellule Innovation / bureau méthodes
Head of Innovation & Method Definition
Embedded systems & critical systems
Atos Origin

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