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Re: [] Updating psf files

Maybe we should delete the one into others repository

SCHNEKENBURGER Remi 211865 a écrit :

Small fix: /modeling/org.eclipse.mdt.papyrus/trunk/org.eclipse.papyrus.releng


+33 1 69 08 48 48
CEA LIST, Boîte courrier 65,
F-91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex



De : [] De la part de SCHNEKENBURGER Remi 211865
Envoyé : lundi 7 décembre 2009 11:48
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : RE: [] Updating psf files


Ok for me, it worked with my subversive plugin.


The only thing is that the releng project is not the one placed in svnroot/modeling/org.eclipse.mdt.papyrus/trunk/plugins/others/org.eclipse.mdt.papyrus.releng, but rather /svnroot/modeling/org.eclipse.mdt.papyrus/org.eclipse.papyrus.releng (root of the papyrus svn repository).





+33 1 69 08 48 48
CEA LIST, Boîte courrier 65,
F-91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex



De : [] De la part de GERARD Sebastien 166342
Envoyé : lundi 7 décembre 2009 09:52
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : RE: [] Updating psf files


Are all of you ok with this psf file?


De : [] De la part de Francisco Javier Cano
Envoyé : vendredi 4 décembre 2009 12:16
À : Cedric Dumoulin
Cc : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] Updating psf files


Attached you can find a psf file with the latest state of the repository created with Subversive.

If this file works for everyone it can taken as base on which to perform psf changes.

Javier Cano

Cedric Dumoulin wrote:

 One problem is that some use subclipse (from Tigris) and other subversive (from Eclipse), and the exported .psf seem to be not compatible ...


Francisco Javier Cano wrote:


the psf files are outdated as new plugins have been added and old ones have been removed.
Is there any policy on when and how to update the psf?

If not, I propose that whenever someone adds or removes a plugin that same committer updates the psf.

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