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Re: [] Papyrus and Helios

Hi all,
I see the trouble, We'll see what we can do to join the Helios release train.

I will give you more information in the next days.


Goulwen Le Fur - goulwen.lefur@xxxxxxx

TANGUY Yann 176637 a écrit :
My understanding is that we basically cannot be part of Helios if we rely on a non Helios component…

What would it mean to have Papyrus integrated to Helios release if it does not work (I mean unless an additionnal non-helios install ?).

I could not figure out other components in same situation.


*De :* [] *De la part de* GERARD Sebastien 166342
*Envoyé :* jeudi 26 novembre 2009 08:58
*À :* Papyrus Project list
*Objet :* RE: [] Papyrus and Helios

Dear all Papyrus,

About the answer sent on the plan of EEF w.r.t. Helios: they will not commit to follow the Helios train, however they said that they will follow the process.

My question is: do we think it may be a risk for us? If yes, why?

Thanks for your comments.



*De :* [] *De la part de* TANGUY Yann 176637
*Envoyé :* mardi 24 novembre 2009 16:02
*À :* Papyrus Project list
*Cc :* TANGUY Yann 176637
*Objet :* RE: [] Papyrus and Helios

What is the plan regarding the Helios version of GMF,

do we have to migrate Papyrus specific template, code generation and gmfgen extension for M4 (+3) ?


*De :* [] *De la part de* Kenn Hussey
*Envoyé :* vendredi 20 novembre 2009 15:03
*À :* thibault.landre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Papyrus Project list
*Objet :* Re: [] Papyrus and Helios

I think it's safe to assume that the deadline is M4 (December 16 for Papyrus, as a +3 project), even if it isn't explicitly stated.



2009/11/20 Thibault LANDRE <thibault.landre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:thibault.landre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>

Hi Sebastien,

I don't know about the deadline for migrating to Helios. It might be an implicit requirement before M4.

For all actions that need to be done before M4, please refer to the mail called "Re: [] Papyrus and Helios Release Train" that I sent on this ML on November 6th



GERARD Sebastien 166342 a écrit :

    What is the deadline for migrating?


    *De :*
    <>] *De la part de*
    Emilien PERICO
    *Envoyé :* jeudi 19 novembre 2009 10:51
    *À :* Papyrus Project list
    *Objet :* Re: [] Papyrus and Helios

Hi Sébastien,

    Good news. It implies that we should migrate to Helios platform as
    soon as possible for our development.
    We have to take care of this task, I think the earlier we'll upgrade
    papyrus to helios, the better

    GERARD Sebastien 166342 a écrit :

    Dear Payrusers,

At CEA, we have checked it was ok to use helios in the project we
    are involved, and the conclusion is ok. According to that, CEA is ok
    for Papyrus joiing the Helios Train. So I think it is ok for Papyrus
    joining the Helios train.

One consequence is that builds of Papyrus will be public in M4 so
    very soon…


Dr. Sébastien Gérard

    Head of MDD for DRES research project


    Boîte courrier 65, GIF SUR YVETTE

    CEDEX, F-91191 France

    Phone/fax : +33 1 69 08 58 24 / 83 95

    Leader of the Eclipse Component Papyrus (The UML2 Graphical
    Modeler): <>

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