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Re: [] Code compilation error - lost many things

Title: Raphaël FAUDOU
Yes, it compiles but we lost many things :
  • all the work about dead code (unused tags) => 1 week effort from thomas lost
  • dirty mode fixed by Thomas does not work anymore => 4 days effort lost and not usable
  • several NPE exceptions that had been managed (additionnal tests to avoid them) => removed => 1 week most
  • Thomas name has disappeard from headers => completely innaceptable
We have the feeling to have come one month back and it is a very disappointing situation :-(
We are blocked for our work on the SysML profile support and for BDD and IBD diagrams.

This is a red signal as we can not continue working like that (frustration, much time consumed).

As immediate actions, I request that :
1/ the backbone code be reverted from two days ago.
2/ control mode fixed as it is a blocking point for collaborative work
3/ backbone evolutions done by Cedric be commited on a branch and not on the head


Cedric Dumoulin a écrit :


 The head compils and runs again, except the controlMode plugin and the dirtyFlag behavior.
 I will check that asap (tomorrow) and try to find a solution.


Cedric Dumoulin wrote:

 Hi all,

 Please do not commit on the core, especially on backbone, has I am currently trying to recover it .


Thibault LANDRE wrote:
Hi all,

A commit made yesterday (r734) breaks the compilation of the project.

The class NavigatorUtils needs some methods from the class EditorUtils that have disappeared.
It seems that the commit made yesterday was made from a code that wasn't updated.

If you want to work with code from a specific revision, please create a branch.

Another point, before comiting, please ensure that you are up to date with the code on the repository.

Finally, I think it is safier that every developer, specifically on the backbone, get all the source code of the project in their workspace to check if their modifications don't impact other parts of the project.


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Image Signature IOC Raphaël FAUDOU
Responsable cellule Innovation / bureau méthodes
Head of Innovation & Method Definition
Embedded systems & critical systems
Atos Origin

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Mail   : raphael.faudou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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