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Re: [] Delay of the today telco

Hi Sebastién,

we would like to add some features for the sash editor that are present in MOSKitt but not in Papyrus. I will create a set of enhancements in the bugzilla showing the features to be added, and set a delivery date for each one. To add these features to the Papyrus editor I may need some help from someone more knowledgeable of the backbone than me, maybe Cedric or Patrick.

I will send a list of the bugzilla entries once they are created.
You can see the list of features in the attached .txt


GERARD Sebastien 166342 wrote:
Ok. Can you then send us some info on what do you plan to do for next 2 weeks.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] De la part de Francisco Javier Cano
Envoyé : mercredi 21 octobre 2009 15:59
À : Papyrus Project list
Objet : Re: [] Delay of the today telco

It will not be possible for me to attend.

GERARD Sebastien 166342 wrote:
Hi all,

I would like to postpone the telco to 5:15 pm because I have to go to my physical therapist to re-educate my elbow. Is it possible?

If no, do the telco without me.


Dr. Sébastien Gérard

Head of MDD for DRES research project


Boîte courrier 65, GIF SUR YVETTE

CEDEX, F-91191 France

Phone/fax : +33 1 69 08 58 24 / 83 95

Leader of the Eclipse Component Papyrus (The UML2 Graphical Modeler):

Before printing, think about the environment


_______________________________________________ mailing list


*Francisco Javier Cano Muñoz*

Programador senior del Proyecto MOSKitt
Prodevelop S.L.
Don Juan de Villarrasa 14, 5
e-mail: fjcano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tel: (+34) 963510612
<> <>

MOSKitt editors common features

- Workspace resource listener: this listener listens to model resource name changes and updates all other models in the workspace that reference it.

- Improved view filtering: the view filtering dialog has benn improved in MOSKitt; now better labels are shown, with different texts and icons.

- Support the ordering of elements in compartments with list layout, with a context menu action that allows pushing the elements up and down.

- Support model templates when creating a new diagram: an extension point allows the contribution of model templates so that when a new diagram is being created one of those templates can be chosen as starting point.

- Set the version of a diagram when it is created: store in the diagram (maybe an EAnnotation) information about the version of the plugin that created the diagram.

- Context menu action to validate the model: a context menu action on the diagram canvas launches the diagram validation.

- Context menu action to open the upper diagram: a context menu action on the diagram canvas opens the upper diagram in the diagram hierarchy.

- Support to validate the model when saving the diagram: when the save action is performed, the model is validated before.

- Sharing of editing domains between editors that are editing the same resources: editors that are editing the same resources share the same editing domain so that changes made in one editor are immediately visible in the other editor.

- Load resources context menu action: the "Load resource..." action is missing from the context menu of the canvas.

- Preference to set the opening of diagrams upon creation: a preference option allows the user to select whether a diagram must be opened when it is created.

- Dialog in the initialize diagram wizard to select which elements should appear in the new diagram: one of the pages of the initialize diagram wizard allows the selection of those elements that must appear in the diagram.

MOSKitt UML2 editors features

- We need these UML diagram editors:
  - Activity
  - Class
  - Profile
  - Sequence
  - State machine
  - Use case

- Allow the creation of basic PrimitiveTypes upon diagram creation: when creating a new UML2 diagram an option allows the user to create a set of PrimitiveTypes in the model.

- No elements with the same name in the same container: a container cannot have two elements with the same name, execpt if those elements are operations.

- Relate Activity diagrams to <operation> elements: an activity diagram can be related to an operation from a class.

- Pseudo-code description for <operation> elements: operation elements can have a pseudo-code field specified.

- Description to properties of diagram elements: elements in the diagram can have a description specified.

- Support GeneralizationSets: no support for the GeneralizationSet element exist in Papyrus.

- Show redefined properties of a class in the properties view: the redifinition of a property from a general class could be done from the property sheets.

- Mutating canvas: in MOSKitt several diagrams can have more than one type of element as the canvas element. To be more precise, here is the relation of diagrams and the elements that can be the canvas:
    # Activity diagram : package ; activity
    # Sequence diagram : package; interaction
    # State machine diagram : package ; state machine ; class
    # Use case diagram : package ; use case

- Support for AssociationClass: in MOSKitt an AssociationClass can be created from an Association and an AssociationClass can be changed into an Association.

- Support for representation of an <interface> element as a class or as a circle, and contextual actions to change the representation.
fn;quoted-printable:Francisco Javier Cano Mu=C3=B1oz
n;quoted-printable:Cano Mu=C3=B1oz;Francisco Javier
org:Prodevelop S.L.
adr:;;Plz Juan de Villarrasa 14 5;Valencia;Valencia;46001;Spain
title:Programador senior
tel;work:(+34) 96 3510612

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