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Re: [] Specification of the single file management

Title: Raphaël FAUDOU
Hi all,

As more and more remarks are done directly by e-mail on some part or another of the specification, I would like to suggest (recall?) some rules for efficient collaborative work.

1. for important/large/complex features, take time to define a specification document (at least a first draft with a list of UC and requirements). The goal is double:
  • focus on needs and not on solutions (or we will miss the essentials)
  • provide a discussion basis (the document) on which all project members can argue by complementing/refining sentances so that we reach final agreement.
Note 1: We really need a place to put those specification documents. Kenn, what do you suggest? wiki or Svn? (we have the constraint to make it evolve easily and to maintain it).
Note 2: We would like that such a specification document be published concerning the palette.

2. Once a team took some time to elaborate a first specification document, please respect the work and refer to it when reacting. It means:
  • take the time to open this specification document and read it completely
  • complete it if needed by referencing the requirements that you consider as incomplete or add new requirements but ensure that they are consistent with others
  • Provide samples to clarify
3. If the space of solutions must be explored to check faisability, please create a new document or at least a new chapter so that there is no confusion.

Thanks to all

TANGUY Yann 176637 a écrit :

The model explorer should gives a visibility on models that are stored in a Papyrus project.

These models shoud have several serialization/storage facilities :
- native = di + notation + uml
- archived = zip file
- single file = a single xml file
- multi file = multiple xml file (granularity to be defined... Package ? Namespace ?)

This should be dealt with by an extension point in Papyrus, so that any one may add his own serialization / file management mechanism.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] De la part de GERARD Sebastien 166342
Envoyé : mardi 20 octobre 2009 11:50
À : thibault.landre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc : Papyrus Project list; Kenn Hussey; SZADEL Thomas
Objet : RE: [] Specification of the single file management

I think we should have a Papyrus project concept.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Thibault LANDRE [mailto:thibault.landre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Envoyé : mardi 20 octobre 2009 10:44
À : GERARD Sebastien 166342
Cc : Papyrus Project list; Kenn Hussey; SZADEL Thomas
Objet : Re: [] Specification of the single file management

The Eclipse project concept doesn't suit your needs ?

GERARD Sebastien 166342 a écrit :
One advantage of zip is its ability to be able to embed other information in any kind of format.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] De la part de Thibault LANDRE
Envoyé : lundi 19 octobre 2009 17:07
À : Kenn Hussey
Cc : Papyrus Project list; SZADEL Thomas
Objet : Re: [] Specification of the single file management


thanks for your comments.

Kenn Hussey a écrit :

This is a great starting point. A couple of comments/observations:

- we should get into the habit of using the term "resource" rather than 
"file" because, ultimately, it shouldn't matter (to the tool) where/how 
the content of a model/diagram is stored
You are right. I'll fix it
- I think the requirement to support containment proxies 
(control/uncontrol actions) necessarily means that more than one 
physical resource will make up a model
I agree. Each controlled model corresponds to a physical resource.
- just because compare/merge tooling doesn't support comparison of 
binary resources out of the box doesn't mean we should exclude it as a 
native serialization format, at least in my mind
In fact, it is possible to compare zip file. See
I have run a quick test on my environment and it seems to working fine 
(Text Compare, EMF Compare...).

However it is not possible to do any merge.
But maybe we shouldn't allow user to merge their models. The *.emf, 
*.notation, *.di are dependants. I think, merging will lead to more 
issues than it solves. Advanced users could still unzip/zip their binary 
resources to merge them.

- if we want to support arbitrary repositories (e.g. CVS vs. CDO, etc.) 
transparently, we may need an "internal" storage structure/format that 
is different from the source/storage format
I don't really get this point. Does this mean we should have a 
(de)serialization mechanism before store our model in repositories ?

- we should also consider "backup" resources, e.g. so that we can 
support things like autosave
Is the Local History not suited here ?
However we could add a mechanism to perform an autosave that user can 
configure through preferences.

We propose to regroup all the content in a single file (EMF also deals 
with it really well). We prototyped both solutions, and it ends up that 
the single file seems to be the best solution. We certainly missed some 
impacts / functionnalities.
Can you give us some arguments why having all the content in a single 
file is not a good solution ?

To be clear, we are not "pro single file" or "pro zip". We would like to 
find the best solution to implement this key functionnality as it will 
be very difficult to modify our choice in the future.
We have not commited (we could have to) the patch for this reason.

By the way, has anyone tested the patch proposed ?




2009/10/19 Thibault LANDRE <thibault.landre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

    Hi all,

    You will find attached a proposed specification for the management
    of resources in Papyrus.

    Any remarks / comments is welcomed.



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Image Signature IOC Raphaël FAUDOU
Responsable cellule Innovation / bureau méthodes
Head of Innovation & Method Definition
Embedded systems & critical systems
Atos Origin

Tel     : +33 (0)5 34 36 32 89
Tel     : +33 (0)6 10 53 50 44
Mail   : raphael.faudou@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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