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[] Re: Problems with generation from EEF

Hi everybody,

Sorry, I didn't read this list before. Now I suscribed to the Papryrus list :)

Jerome gave me the information I need to resolve your problem. I'm currently make a reorganisation of the EEF generation module. I think this will take about 2 days.

After this task, I could resolve your generation problem.

For the bug you cite in your mail, I haven't got the ability to made this kind of evolution of EEF in this time of holidays. Moreover, EEF is really young and I hadn't have the time to initialize a good english documentation. So, I propose you to directly ask me what you need for this evolution and I will to help you.


Goulwen Le Fur - goulwen.lefur@xxxxxxx

TESSIER Patrick 202707 a écrit :
Hi Goulwen,
Papyrus project is dependent of EEF and we have problems with the regeneration of EEF code. Could you respond to us about the attached email. Patrick ---------------------------------------------------------
Patrick Tessier
Research Engineer
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Tel: 01 69 08 48 63 <>

[] EEF / MDT Papyrus
"Thibault LANDRE" <thibault.landre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Mon, 27 Jul 2009 15:27:16 +0200
"Papyrus Project list" <>

"Papyrus Project list" <>

Hi EEF team,

as you know, we are currently using on the MDT Papyrus project, the
component EEF to define our properties view.

I have downloaded this morning the current source of the EEF project in
order to install EEF on my platform to enable the properties for Papyrus.
But the EEF Papyrus plugin, org.eclipse.papyrus.tabbedproperties.uml,
doesn't compile anymore.

I tried to re-generate the UML.eefgen after installing the development
feature of EEF but it raises an error in my platform :
Mon Jul 27 15:14:23 CEST 2009
does not exist."

We have also a pending task about association/connectors ends property
view that we would like to adress asap :
271057: [Properties View] Association end properties

We currently lack documentation on EEF. I haven't found any
documentation on the Eclipse wiki nor inside the existing plugins.
Can you provide us some documentation on EEF ?

I think that both teams (EEF and Papyrus) would benefit a lot by working
together (Papyrus because it would use the last EEF framework, and EEF
as Papyrus will be a real application case).



Ps : I didn't find any ML for EEF
( Is there one ?

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