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[] Re: [Papyrus] Moskitt GMFGen

Title: RE: [Papyrus] Moskitt GMFGen
Hi Javi,

Thanks for the good pointers to get the missing information. It will help us regenerating the sequence diagram for Papyrus in Eclipse 3.5 environment.

However,  according to me, there is one issue working that way with several plug-ins required for MDT Papyrus that we have to retrieve from Moskitt sources repositories.
As MDT papyrus and Moskitt have not the same life cycle and not exactly the same goals, what comes from Moskitt is contribution and not part of the MDT Papyrus development.
This was helpfull to start the project, as were the TOPCASED and OBEO contributions to get a large code base for first commits.

But now the MDT papyrus source code evolves in synchronization with the Eclipse train (Galileo release), with a given roadmap and with strategic goals like OMG UML conformance and with a certain level of quality (somthing like the TOPCASED quality toolkit). We can accept contributions (and we are very happy about that) but we have now to apply the process of analysing those contributions : is the code technically compatible to our Eclipse version reference (Galileo)? compatible with the MDT Papyrus foundations (backbone)? to the code formatting we want (checkstyle configuration)? to the UML conformance level we want to reach (more than 90%)?
This analysis might take long time if we have no information about those contributions and in some cases it can lead to the decision of not accepting the contribution for the current release.

As a conclusion, I think that we need to clarify the organization in terms of involvment: could you please precise if you want to continue participating in an integrated way to the MDT papyrus (meaning that you share MDT papyrus goals, roadmap and follow the conference calls) or do you prefer limiting your efforts to a contributor role?

Thanks for your clarification

best regards

Francisco Javier Cano a écrit :


  regarding the problems you can fins when opening the gmfgen models from MOSKitt:

  those .gmfgen models are extended with two gmfgen extensions we use in MOSKitt.
  Here you can find two plugins that hace the models and source of those gmfgen extensions.

  Those URLs point to the sources of two MOSKitt plugins that have the required extensions to open the extended .gmfgen models.
  Those plugins have to be downloaded to an Eclipse workspace and then exported as deployable plugins.
  The resulting plugins have to be then added to the working Eclipse (via an extension location or other mean).
  With those plugins loaded in the main instance of Eclipse there should not be any problem in working with the extended .gmfgen models.
  If I remember correctly, Patrick did a good job some time ago by grouping the MOSKitt .gmfgen extensions inside the Papyrus .gmfgen extensions.
  Ideally, the sequence, activity and statemachine gmfgen models should work with the Papyrus gmfgen extensions.
  Until that happens, using the MOSKitt gmfgen extensions can be used as described above.

  If you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Francisco Javier Cano Muñoz
Programador senior

-----Original Message-----
From: Thibault LANDRE [mailto:thibault.landre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Fri 6/19/2009 14:47
To: Francisco Javier Cano
Cc: FAUDOU Raphael; PERICO Emilien
Subject: [Papyrus] Moskitt GMFGen

Hi Francisco Javier,

I saw that you commited the gmfgen used for the sequence and activity
diagram. But we can't open them because they required the class
"MutatingCanvas" and the Package

Where can we find these missing elements in order to open the gmfgen ?



Raphaël FAUDOU

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