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[] Re: Copyrights possible problems

Hi Cedric, Sebastien and All,

  So, two points:
1 - I would like to know what happened?

It seems the class CreateGmfClassDiagramCommandHandler and CreateClassDiagramCommand are not quite similar. It is three differences :
- the class name
- the javadoc class header
- the class inheritance three (extends)
But, indeed the rest of the content is quite similar.

I think, when we refactored the source code to add wizards UI with the dedicated extension point. We created a new class CreateXXXDiagramCommand for each diagrams. It seems We kept the two creation class to preserve compatibility with toolbar, and removed the CreateGmfXXXXDiagramCommandHandler in a second step. I think we have the same case for the 4 diagrams creation classes call by the generic wizard.

2 - I suspect this is not an isolate case, so how do we process to correct that ?

I think it is a isolate case, but don't hesitate to signal another doubt. So to solve this, you can add your name is the header of the CreateXXXDiagramCommand classes.


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