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Re: [] Papyrus: next face-to-face meeting [info+time+dimdim]


For dimdim, it seems that it requires port 80 and port 1935 to work.
Is port 1935 also required for accessing the webmeeting or it is just required from serverside ?



Gabriel Merin Cubero a écrit :
Hi again,
As Gerard has suggested, the meeting will start at 9:00 AM.

The dimdim link to access the telco is the following:

We'll try using VOIP. If we experience problems then we'll use the phone.


El vie, 30-01-2009 a las 09:32 +0100, Gabriel Merin Cubero escribió:
Hi everyone!

Even though we haven't had feedback about meeting since a few days ago, we suppose that the meeting is still going on. Therefore, we have already booked a suitable meeting room and solved the telco problems using the dimdim service (

The meeting place will be room S04 of the DSIC (Department of Computing and Computer Systems) building within the Technical University of Valencia. The address is the following:
Technical University of Valencia
Camino de Vera s/n. 46022 Valencia (Spain)
Telf. (+34) 96 387 73 50 - Fax. (+34) 96 387 73 59

Web of the department:
Map of the University with the DSIC location: Room S04 within the DSIC building:
(the room is located on the ground floor)
Google maps link:,-0.346429&spn=0.002691,0.004823&t=h&z=18 <,-0.346429&spn=0.002691,0.004823&t=h&z=18> To get there you have two entrances. I would suggest entrance 1 if going by taxi. By foot choose any of them.,-0.346155&spn=0.005382,0.009645&t=h&z=17 <,-0.346155&spn=0.005382,0.009645&t=h&z=17>

What it is still not clear is the time. At what time would you like the meeting to take place? I'm asking since Kenn is interested to attend the meeting by telco and the time difference might be big depending on where he is. Anyway, is it 10 AM Ok?

Please, answer as soon as posible.


*Gabriel Merin*
gmerin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto: gmerin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 	

Tel +34 96 371 6852 - Fax 96 337 8533

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*Gabriel Merin*
gmerin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto: gmerin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 	

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