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Re : [] Custom code and code generation

Hi Patrick,

First of all, my best wishes for this new year :)

I think you are right. It would be easier to maintain.

I have overriden the GMF generation templates (and add some of mine) to generate the preference along with the papyrus editor.

You should have a look to the plugin :
which are available on the svn (

The first plugin (codegen) is a plugin to add a new specific Papyrus menu for the generation. It also allows Papyrus developpers to add their templates (generating your own classes) to the GMF generation.

The second plugin (def) is a plugin containing the modified templates (the GMF template that I have overriden) and the new templates used to generate the preference classes. I also included in this plugin the gmf configuration files for generating the Preference with the Papyrus generator.

For extending the GMF Gen metamodel, I don't know how to do.

You can call me if you have questions about the generation.

Best Regards,

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