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[m2t-dev] [MTL : OMG Model-to-text standard] first stable version is out

We are proud to announce a first version of the OMG MOF Model-to-text Transformation Language (MTL) implementation. MTL makes extensive use of MDT OCL ( for model navigation and query. It can generate text for any technology (Java, C, J2EE frameworks, PHP, Python, ...). The first stable release is planned for Galileo (Eclipse 3.5). Documentation is available directly from the Eclipse help index when installed. All of this component's main features are described within this integrated help (standalone generator engine, full featured editors, perspective, wizards, ...). A simple Ecore-to-Python example is also available for those who are not familiar with the MTL Syntax. The OMG specification remains the best documentation to learn the MTL syntax :

Note that you have a wizard to create a MTL project, and you've got 2 ways to launch a code generation :
- Run As ANT task / Run As Java...
- "MTL UI generator" to create automatically a popup menu on the model you want to generate

Congrats to all the commiters and contributors involved in this first stable version.



fn:Jonathan MUSSET
org:Obeo - Model Driven Company
title:Directeur Technique
tel;work:02 51 13 54 18

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