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Re: [m2t-dev] [MTL] standard library additions

Hi Laurent,

These operations look usefull additions to me, and I see no problem
adding them to the mtl specification, in particular the String
operations. A better place for the OCLType operations might be in the
OCL spec ?

Regards, Arjan.

2008/9/10 Laurent Goubet <laurent.goubet@xxxxxxx>:
> Hi Arjan,
> While using MTL during the tests I perform on the current implementation, I
> stumbled upon things difficult (or plain bothersome) to do in OCL and for
> which we could provide convenience additional operations in the standard
> library. Namely :
> 1) Checking that a String starts with a given substring (self.substring(1,
> x) = 'substring')
> 2) Checking that a String ends with a given substring (self.substring(x,
> self.size()) = 'substring')
> 3) Fetching all ancestors (of a given type) for a given element (OCL
> expression is too long to fit on a human-readable mail :))
> 4) Fetching all descendants (of a given type) for a given element (same as
> above)
> Additionally, The specification provides a "substitute" operation, but not
> its "substituteAll" counterpart and both "replace" and "replaceAll"
> operations that operate on regular expressions. Do you think it would be
> possible to add the following operations to the MTL standard library
> specifications :
> EOperations that would be added to the "String" OCL primitive type
> 1) endsWith( String substring ) : Boolean
> Returns true if self ends with the substring substring, false otherwise.
> 2) startsWith( String substring ) : Boolean
> Returns true if self starts with the substring substring, false otherwise.
> 3) substituteAll( String substring, String replacement ) : String
> Substitutes all substrings substring in self by substring replacement and
> returns the resulting string. If there is no occurrence of the substring,
> The original string is returned. substring and replacement are not treated
> as regular expressions.
> 4) replace( String substring, String replacement ) : String
> Substitutes the first occurence of substring substring in self by substring
> replacement and returns the resulting string. If there is no occurrence of
> the substring, The original string is returned. substring and replacement
> are treated as regular expressions.
> 5) replaceAll( String substring, String replacement ) : String
> Substitutes all substrings substring in self by substring replacement and
> returns the resulting string. If there is no occurrence of the substring,
> The original string is returned. substring and replacement are treated as
> regular expressions.
> EOperations that would be added to the "OCLType" OCL primitive type
> 6) ancestor( ) : Sequence(T)
> Returns all super-elements of self.
> 7) ancestor( OCLType type ) : Sequence(T)
> Returns all super-elements of self which type is equal to type.
> 8) descendant( ) : Sequence(T)
> Returns all direct and indirect children of self.
> 9) descendant( OCLType type ) : Sequence(T)
> Returns all direct and indirect children of self which type is equal to
> type.
> For now, I have implemented the first 5 (didn't give a shot to the last 4 as
> yet) in a "non-standard" library but I think all are more than convenient to
> provide for an m2t language.
> Regards,
> Laurent Goubet
> Obeo
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