Hi there,
Mark Derricutt and I have built a Maven Lifecycle Participant (not an m2e lifecycle participant) - Maven executes these after it resolved the project (via the ProjectBuilder and ModelBuilder) but before actually doing anything.
The participant simply allows you to mixin what you have required single inheritance parent hierarchies for in the past - basically allowing you functional composition of your build rather than having to have parents.
Mark and I both use IDEA, where it also works fine - the RemoteMaven that IDEA uses happily does the same thing Maven does.
m2e being a different beast build for incremental builds appears to be different - it simply ignores the lifecycle participants.
I'm wondering if there is a mechanism by which these would have support added for them? Is there an xml file like for plugin participants or will we need to build a new feature, and if so - does anyone know of any plugins that use it already that we can look to for inspiration?
Richard Vowles,
Groovy, Java, _javascript_, AngularJS