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[m2e-users] M2E Extension Development: Help



Can someone explain the following lines from the M2E Extension Development


AntlrBuildParticipant generates java source files (any resources generated by ANTLR, to be precise) during eclipse incremental and full builds.


      File source = maven.getMojoParameterValue(getSession(), getMojoExecution(), "sourceDirectory", File.class);

       Scanner ds = buildContext.newScanner( source ); // delta or full scanner


       String[] includedFiles = ds.getIncludedFiles();

       if (includedFiles == null || includedFiles.length <= 0 )


           return null;



The antlr3-maven-plugin takes the grammars to compile in the src/main/antlr3 directory, thus I do not understand how updates of grammar's file can be check in the "sourceDirectory".

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