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Re: [m2e-users] SVN Checkouts failing due to process locks caused by m2e

m2e subversive integration can be installed from m2e discovery catalog
(preferences->maven->discovery). I can't tell if it will solve your
problem, however. The information you provided is not specific enough.


On 11-10-26 1:39 PM, Steve Cohen wrote:
Thanks, Igor.

subversive: 0.7.9.I20110819-1700
m2eclipse-subvestive: Had not heard of that one. Is that spelled right?
(if it's m2eclipse-subversive, I hadn't heard of that either). Perhaps
that is my problem. However it's spelled, where do I find it?

The problem is reproducible but intermittent. I was eventually able to
overcome it by repetition.


On 10/26/2011 11:46 AM, Igor Fedorenko wrote:
This does not provide enough information to be able to tell anything

What are exact versions of m2e, subversive and m2eclipse-subvestive do
you use?

Do you get any exceptions?

Is the problem reproducible or intermittent? What are exact steps to
reproduce the problem?

As a workaround, you can always do the checkout on command line, then
use import as maven project wizard to import the projects in your


On 11-10-26 12:08 PM, Steve Cohen wrote:
I am trying to check out a set of projects on a new branch I just
created in SVN (subversive plugin). Checkout is failing with a message
the folder is locked by some external process. That external process can
only be m2e generating code - I haven't done anything with these folders
in weeks. Even though I have set eclipse to not build automatically, it
is doing something. I have seen m2e do some build operations previously,
even though this option was off. These were not serious problems before,
now they are.

How can this be addressed?

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