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Re: [m2e-users] SVN Checkouts failing due to process locks caused by m2e

This does not provide enough information to be able to tell anything

What are exact versions of m2e, subversive and m2eclipse-subvestive do
you use?

Do you get any exceptions?

Is the problem reproducible or intermittent? What are exact steps to
reproduce the problem?

As a workaround, you can always do the checkout on command line, then
use import as maven project wizard to import the projects in your workspace.


On 11-10-26 12:08 PM, Steve Cohen wrote:
I am trying to check out a set of projects on a new branch I just
created in SVN (subversive plugin). Checkout is failing with a message
the folder is locked by some external process. That external process can
only be m2e generating code - I haven't done anything with these folders
in weeks. Even though I have set eclipse to not build automatically, it
is doing something. I have seen m2e do some build operations previously,
even though this option was off. These were not serious problems before,
now they are.

How can this be addressed?

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