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  • Re: [lyo-dev] Question to OSLC and Bugzillia, (continued)
  • [lyo-dev] +1 for Paul McMahan on technology.lyo by Jim Conallen, portal on behalf of Jim Conallen
  • [lyo-dev] +1 for Paul McMahan on technology.lyo by Samuel Padgett, portal on behalf of Samuel Padgett
  • [lyo-dev] +1 for Paul McMahan on technology.lyo by Steve Speicher, portal on behalf of Steve Speicher
  • [lyo-dev] +1 for Paul McMahan on technology.lyo by Rob Elves, portal on behalf of Rob Elves
  • [lyo-dev] Committers - remember to use the portal to vote Re: Vote for Committer status for Paul McMahan was started by Michael Fiedler, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Vote for Committer status for Paul McMahan was started by Michael Fiedler, portal on behalf of Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Proposal: Remove non-OSLC4J Bugzilla adapter from Lyo, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Fw: [oslc] OSLC Stickers!, Sean Kennedy
  • [lyo-dev] Lyo has graduated and 1.0 is official Fwd: OSLC4J 1.0 update, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Will attend EclipseCon Europe, Lars.Ohlen
  • [lyo-dev] OSLC Automation samples in Lyo, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] OSLC Community Webcasts for October: all about Eclipse Lyo, Sean Kennedy
  • [lyo-dev] error in OSLC4J project on Juno (Eclipse 4.2), Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] OSLC4J 1.0 update, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Update to contributors guide - some Git suggestions, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Oct 16 - OSLC Community webcast about the recent Perl contributions to Eclipse Lyo, Sean Kennedy
  • Re: [lyo-dev] Fw: Issue generating Lyo OSLC Test Suite html report, Yuhong Yin
  • [lyo-dev] Issue generating Lyo OSLC Test Suite html report, Samit Mehta
  • [lyo-dev] Design / implementation questions, Lars.Ohlen
  • [lyo-dev] Perl libraries for OSLC ChangeManagement, Michael Fiedler
  • Re: [lyo-dev] lyo-dev Digest, Vol 14, Issue 3, Johnson, Jean-Luc
  • [lyo-dev] OSLC client library, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Missing information about the Lyo 1.0 release on, Lars.Ohlen
  • [lyo-dev] OSLC4J version and dependency changes, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Webcast: OSLC access and debugging using a browser, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] New default runtime for OSLC4J samples Fwd: Proposed changes to improve OSLC4J sample app experience, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Updates to query library: oslc.prefix support + QueryUtils class, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Proposed changes to improve OSLC4J sample app experience, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] OSLC Query Java library, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Asset Management tests added to the OSLC test suite, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Mailing list issues, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Proposed Lyo/Licenses page in the wiki to explain dual-licensing, Olivier Berger
  • [lyo-dev] Quality Management V2 reference implementation for OSLC4J, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] OSLC Workshop available in Lyo, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Home page is working fine....Re: Project meta data is out of date for technology.lyo, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Lyo chat at the Rational Innovate conference, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Requesting Lyo project leadership addition of Michel Fiedler, Steve Speicher
  • [lyo-dev] EclipseCon Europe 2012 Call for Papers, Steve Speicher
  • [lyo-dev] Project co-lead nomination for Michael Fiedler, Steve Speicher
  • [lyo-dev] Lyo now using Gerrit for contributions + Contributor's Guide, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] How to authenticate with RTC in OSLC way, Vinod Kumar Choudhary
  • [lyo-dev] OSLC4J - Needs some pointers on how to create plain java client, Lars.Ohlen
  • [lyo-dev] Start of asset management test suite, Steve Speicher

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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