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  • [lyo-dev] URISyntaxException Error, weiqing zhang
  • [lyo-dev] Additional info on Lyo and OSLC at EclipseCon, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Lyo and OSLC BOF at EclipseCon next week, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] New SDK contribution to Lyo + proposal for next releases, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Unable to do Maven install, roopa.venu
  • Re: [lyo-dev] lyo-dev Digest, Vol 19, Issue 13, roopa.venu
  • [lyo-dev] Problems with provider's RDF output., Paschke, Stefan
  • [lyo-dev] Eclipse Lyo on, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] FW: Issue /problem while Installing the OSLC4J toolkit, roopa.venu
  • [lyo-dev] 2nd RTP, NC, USA OSLC and Lyo meetup, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Fwd: EclipseCon France - Call for Papers, Steve Speicher
  • [lyo-dev] Problems executing OSLC4JBugzilla from the OSLC tutorial - import javax.servlet cannot be resolved, Judith Crockford
  • [lyo-dev] Fwd: Eclipse Integrated Development Day, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] XTurtle -- Eclipse editor for Turtle files, Steve Speicher
  • [lyo-dev] Updated OSLC tutorial using OSLC4JBugzilla, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Lyo 1.1 released, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Reminder: Eclipse Lyo and OSLC meetup tonight (Feb 5) in RTP, NC (Serena's), Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Eclipse Lyo and OSLC meetup Feb 5 in RTP, NC (Serena's), Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Lyo 1.1 news plus some coming changes for Maven Central hosting, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Technology.Lyo 1.1 release review request, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] OSLC4Net: Codeplex project for OSLC tools for .NET, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] [] Eclipse Community Awards Nominations, Steve Speicher
  • [lyo-dev] Summary page for Perl contributions, Steve Speicher
  • [lyo-dev] More Gerrit/SSH config tips, especially for Windows users, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Using OSLC SDK to build new OSLC compliant REST application, Vinod Kumar Choudhary
  • [lyo-dev] What is the purpose of registry?, Vinod Kumar Choudhary
  • [lyo-dev] git Lyo docs is not accessible, Johnson, Jean-Luc
  • [lyo-dev] Problems executing OSLC4JBugzilla from the OSLC tutorial, Marc Langenbach
  • [lyo-dev] Issues getting Lab 6 working, Nils Kronqvist
  • [lyo-dev] How to use org.eclipse.lyo.core.query project to implement OSLC Query Capability, Vinod Kumar Choudhary
  • [lyo-dev] An error I encounter when setting up Lyo development environment, Fang CDL Wang
  • [lyo-dev] Gerrit review process, Lars.Ohlen
  • [lyo-dev] FW: OSLC vs Jena, Cecilia.lindgren
  • [lyo-dev] Some Git and Gerrit tips, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Updates to Lyo Contributor Guidelines/Process, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] EclipseCon calling for OSLC and Eclipse Lyo papers, Sean Kennedy
  • [lyo-dev] Automation sample updates, Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Failed to build Lyo Client, Lars.Ohlen
  • [lyo-dev] Reminder: Eclipse Lyo 1.0 webcast tomorrow, Sean Kennedy
  • [lyo-dev] Welcome Paul McMahan as a new technology.lyo Committer, portal on behalf of Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Stable versions of Lyo Test Suites, Samit Mehta
  • [lyo-dev] Committer vote for Paul McMahan has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [lyo-dev] Committer vote for Paul McMahan has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of Michael Fiedler
  • [lyo-dev] Question to OSLC and Bugzillia, Heng Cao

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