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[lsp4e-dev] Removing examples?

Hi all,

I'd like to remove the examples bundle from LSP4E, the one which contains connections to OmniSharp and VSCode.
The reasons behind that are:
* Code is relatively bad and features require much configurations for users to be useful
* Dedicated projects on Marketplace (aCute and BlueSky) do cover the same functionality, with the same architecture, but in a much better way, with better packaging, better UX, better value...
* We don't have a CQ for a workswith with VSCode (I asked it once, but I withdrawn it a few days ago).
So overall, if we want to demonstrate good examples of LSP4E integration both from code and UX perspective, we have much better things thanĀ  this bundle; so I don't think we gain anything in keeping it when better alternatives exist.

Any objection?

Mickael Istria
Eclipse IDE developer, at Red Hat Developers community

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